Urban Fantasy Review: Moonshifted by Cassie Alexander

Moonshifted by Cassie Alexander (Edie Spence #2)

Review requested by the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
After surviving a brutal vampire attack, Nurse Edie Spence is ready to get back to work—attending to supernatural creatures in need of medical help. But her nursing skills are put to the test when she witnesses a hit-and-run on her lunch break. The injured pedestrian is not only a werewolf, he’s the pack leader. And now Edie’s stuck in the middle of an all-out were-war…

With two rival packs fighting tooth and nail, Edie has no intention of crossing enemy lines. But when she meets her patient’s nephew—a tattooed werewolf named Lucas with a predatory gleam in his eye that’s hard to resist—Edie can’t help but choose sides. The question is: can she trust this dangerous new ally? And can she trust her own instincts when she’s near him? Either way, Edie can’t seem to pull away—even if getting involved makes her easy prey…

Amazon  US/UK(£4.99) | Amazon kindle US | The Book Depository US/UK(£4.99) | BooksOnBoard


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 Despite oh so very deceiving synopsis, Moonshifted is not about choosing sides or men. Just like Nightshifted, it is a constant attempt of one lonely human with a big heart to survive among scary supernatural forces. That's it.

Nurse Edie doesn't have any superpowers, she is not particularly pretty, especially working night shifts (Edie, I know how you feel. I don't like the look of myself in the mirror after a week of night shifts too) and she doesn't have awesome powers of deduction. In other words, she is normal just like us. An overworked, young health worker with no life and desire to help at the most unfortunate moments.

Edie barely escaped a vampire trial in Nightshifted, and she gets right in the middle of werewolf power games when a truck hits a werewolf king of her city. On the other hand her vampire friend Anna asks her a big favour and Edie can't refuse little girl she saved once before...

Now vampires hustle her and some odd zombie-like werewolves are trying to eat her, and she is tired of being the one who solves all the mysteries, and it's Christmas and her sofa has bad blood spots on it, and her parents are coming for dinner. It's too much, it's too dangerous, and again she is way over her head...

I love that I felt for Edie so much, that the author could make us feel her constant fatigue, desperation and desire to just get it over with and have some sleep.

Moonshifted is a better, stronger book than Nightshifted. Edie carves her own way, not necessarily traditional for urban fantasy heroines but that's what so good about this series. You really don't know what awaits around the corner. 

Highly recommended for all urban fantasy fans, medical professionals and night shift workers around the world. :)

Nightshifted - 8.5/10

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Замечательная серия нестандартного городского фэнтэзи. Я уже рассказывала насколько мне понравилась первая книга серии, так вот вторая книга ещё лучше и сильнее написана!

Эди - обычная молодая женщина, стандартной внешности и без каких-либо паранормальных талантов. Однако она работает медсестрой в паранормальном крыле обычного госпиталя и из-за своего большого сердца и желания спасти всех подряд вмешивается в очень опасные ситуации.

Вот и в этот раз, она только что отмазалась от вампирского суда, в процессе получив ножевое ранение, что её чуть не убило. И теперь она становится свидетельницей покушения на жизнь короля вервульфов её города когда фургон  сбивает того прямо у её госпиталя.

Теперь она лавирует между интригами вервульфов и восхождением к власти её вампирской подруги Анны, которая просит Эди помочь ей в церемонии коронации. Ей угрожают вампиры, её пытаются съесть странные зомбированные оборотни, её семья собирается приехать к ней на ужин на Рождество, её диван полон пятен со старой кровью и у неё совсем нет денег его заменить...

Эди устала, она постоянно недосыпает, особенно если её жизни постоянно что-то угрожает, её всё достало, и она просто хочет наконец-то выспаться и нормально поесть.

Ан нет, книга держит в напряжении до самого конца и за Эди очень переживаешь, потому как она практически беззащитна перед лицом паранормальных существ и только чистейшая удача помогает ей выжить перед лицом опасности.

Действительно нестандартная книга, героиня без стереотипных ответов на ситуации, в которые её помещает автор и просто прекрасное построение мира.

Очень советую для всех фанатов городского фэнтэзи, медицинских работников и тех, кто работает в ночную смену! :)


  1. Yep - another series I am behind with...must catch up on my reading in 2013!! I smell many months of book buying - or at least limiting so I catch up with these great series! :-)

  2. I just finshed reading this one and really liked it! Maybe not as much as I liked the first one because it seemed pretty directionless for a while there, but it is certainly different and fresh.
    And I agree with you about Edie, she is really a great character.

  3. Oh yay! I'm glad you like this series, because I have a copy of the first book. The only thing that worries me is that you recommend it to medical professionals, because if it goes too much into details, I will not be able to handle it! I'm such a wimp!

  4. Oh no, Christina! I only recommended it to medical professionals because they do shitty hours and will sympathize the main heroine! ;))) There is nothing in descriptions that would confuse you. It's all very simple!

  5. yeaaah! So glad you enjoyed it as well, this book is amazing! I agree with you I was really surprised by the turns of events.

  6. Oh wonderful!! I do need this series. ;D Sounds like it's getting better and better. :) Thank you!


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