Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes EARLY REVIEW

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Egalley thanks to Egmont USA

Synopsis from Goodreads
Every other day, Kali D'Angelo is a normal sixteen-year-old girl. She goes to public high school. She attends pep rallies. She's human.

And then every day in between . . .She's something else entirely.

Though she still looks like herself, every twenty-four hours predatory instincts take over and Kali becomes a feared demon-hunter with the undeniable urge to hunt, trap, and kill zombies, hellhounds, and other supernatural creatures. Kali has no idea why she is the way she is, but she gives in to instinct anyway. Even though the government considers it environmental terrorism.

When Kali notices a mark on the lower back of a popular girl at school, she knows instantly that the girl is marked for death by one of these creatures. Kali has twenty-four hours to save her and, unfortunately, she'll have to do it as a human. With the help of a few new friends, Kali takes a risk that her human body might not survive. . .and learns the secrets of her mysterious condition in the process.

US release: 27/12/2011
UK release: 2/02/2012
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That was un-freaking-believable (substitute for another F-word if you want, because that's what I wanted to say)! Best Jennifer Lynn Barnes's book so far.

It's brutal. It's bloody. It's gritty. People die. People get hurt. Don't expect a love story. Expect stupid mistakes, lies, desperation and non-stop action. If you love Strange Angels series by Lilith Saintcrow you'll love this book.

Kali is one of the monsters. Every other day. At sunrise she becomes impossible to kill. She doesn't feel pain. She needs to hunt. She is super strong, preternaturally fast and once she touches a weapon she knows every way possible she can use it and she can always find it once it's been handled by her. If she is hurt she heals very quickly. If she is hurt just before sunrise she wakes up feeling pain, because every other day she is a human girl, vulnerable like the rest of us.

Kali's dad is a scientist who specialises in supernatural beings. They move to a new place where she has to start going to a normal school. Unexpectedly she makes a few friends and saves a girl from a supernatural parasite. The problem is by doing that she puts herself on the radar of a secret organisation which researches monsters and which now hunts Kali.

I don't want to say more and betray major plot twists, but there are crazy fights. Helhounds. Basilisks. Zombies. Psychics. Evil humans. There is everything and everyone in this book and it's absolutely amazing! I LOVED every minute of it.

Kali is fantastic. She is very decisive, she's got no hang ups and she acts when she needs to in cold blood and with absolute surety that it's the only right thing to do. I love characters like that.

I pray there will be book #2 judging by the end of the first book. There MUST BE book #2. I demand it.  :)

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О боже мой! Это было что-то невероятное! По моему мнению, лучшая книга Дженнифер Линн Барнс. Кровавое месиво, нон-стоп экшн, брутальная героиня. 

Если вам нравятся Странные Ангелы Лилит Сэйнткроу - эта книга для вас.

Здесь есть псы ада, зомби, василиски, драконы, вампиры, генетическая манипуляция, ясновидящие, секретные организации, злодеи-люди и прочая жуть. 

Кали - одна из монстров. Каждый второй день. Она обладает сверхъестественными способностями, не чувствует боли, страха и колебания. Она - Охотник, инстинкт которого - убивать монстров. Но наступает рассвет и каждый второй день она - обычный человек с человеческими слабостями и способностями.

Кали с отцом только что переехали, и она поступила в обычную школу. В один день она помогает одной блондинистой чиарлидерше избавиться от паразита монстра, и всё летит к чертям. Спасение девушки подставляет Кали под радар секретной организации, изучающей монстров, и начинаются погони и борьба не на жизнь, а на смерть пока Кали распутывает клубок тайн и заодно узнаёт откуда у неё её способности.

Всё, больше ничего по сюжету. Не хочу ничего выдавать. Но книга шикарная. Давно я не читала YA, от которого бы у меня летела крыша :) Советую всем, кто любит такие книги.



  1. I'm currently half-way through this one and I feel about the same so far! It's definitely a great read. I love the uniqueness of it! And wow... now I'm even more scared of the ending! I'm sure I'll be needing more too. ._. Great review!

  2. Oh wow this sounds dark - but awesome! I really want to read this one. Wonderful review!

    Xpresso Reads

  3. I'm just about to start this book - and now I'm super excited!!

  4. oh, YES!! Great review!

    I have to agree. Another book is essential. I want to see Kali again especially working with Zev and the double you-know-what. I mean... that HAS to be figured out!! Which one is in charge? Do they take turns controlling each other?! With that sort of connection, how do they carry on a conversation?! I have QUESTIONS!! Never mind... Kali's sense of justice!! Oh, please... give me more!!


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