Fantasy YA Early Review: Pantomime by Laura Lam
Pantomime by Laura Lam
Egalley thanks to Strange Chemistry
Synopsis from Goodreads
R. H. Ragona’s Circus of Magic is the greatest circus of Ellada. Nestled among the glowing blue Penglass—remnants of a mysterious civilisation long gone—are wonders beyond the wildest imagination. It’s a place where anything seems possible, where if you close your eyes you can believe that the magic and knowledge of the vanished Chimaera is still there. It’s a place where anyone can hide.
Iphigenia Laurus, or Gene, the daughter of a noble family, is uncomfortable in corsets and crinoline, and prefers climbing trees to debutante balls. Micah Grey, a runaway living on the streets, joins the circus as an aerialist’s apprentice and soon becomes the circus’s rising star.
But Gene and Micah have balancing acts of their own to perform, and a secret in their blood that could unlock the mysteries of Ellada.
Release date: Feb 5th 2013.
Amazon US/UK | Amazon kindle US | The Book Depository US/UK(£4.68) | Fishpond
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Fantastic book! I really enjoyed it and read it in one sitting.
First of all, don't read the synopsis - it's completely misleading which you will find out from the first couple of pages.
What you need to know - it's about magic from a forgotten ancient civilisation, it's about a circus with a tyrant of a ringleader and it's about a runaway. Throw in the bin the rest of your preconceptions. *grinning*
The great twist will be known in the first couple of chapters but it doesn't detract from the story. The world-building is marvelous, the characterisation is subtle and charming. This book might not possess the intricacies of The Night Circus but it's certainly a magical story with a wonderful charming personality. If you have a teenage son or daughter, grab this book for them (it's really well priced as a pre-order from The book Depository).
There are little gems scattered across Pantomime here and there - the museum of ancient civilisation with its automatons; the spice seller; penglass domes; traces of vestige or various circus members...
I haven't had much luck picking a Strange Chemistry title that I'd really like before but Pantomime certainly made me hopeful that I'll find more wonderful books in this imprint. Very much recommended.
So sorry, couldn't go into the plot without spoilers. I had to keep my mouth shut. *wink*
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С огромным удовольствием проглотила Пантомиму в один присест. Вот есть в этой книге что-то волшебное и очень очаровательное, хотя до скрупулёзности и тонкостей Ночного Цирка ей далеко.
По сюжету я проходиться не буду, так как даже пара предложений проспойлерит вам всю книгу. НО: сразу скажу, - выбросьте синопсис из головы, так как он совершенно искажает суть самой книги.
Что вам необходимо знать, Пантомима - эта книга о потерянных божествах и технологиях древней цивилизации, о волшебстве, о цирке и об одном подростке, сбежавшем из дома.
Самый значительный сюрприз книги раскрывается буквально в первых двух главах, но сюжет от этого не портится. Построение мира очаровательное, повсюду раскиданы маленькие но очень милые детали - например, музей древней цивилизации с его автоматонами; продавец специй; купола из пенгласса и остатки таинственного вестижа.
Атмосфера цирка волшебна и в то же время жестока и немилосердна, с её огромными нагрузками и тираном хозяином. И главные и второстепенные герои прекрасно выписаны и книга читается очень легко.
В общем, так как спойлерить нельзя, я на этом закончу. Очень рекомендую и рада, что наконец-то нашла книгу, выпущенную Странной Химией, которая мне пришлась по вкусу. Обязательно буду читать продолжение.
The cover just do not appeal to me at all and I go all meh looking at it
ReplyDeleteThis sounds very good! There is something fascinating about a circus. I'm looking forward to find out more about this book! Nice review.
Oh really!?! Hmmm, sounds amazing as you said. I've missed seeing this one around, so I'll have to see about getting it on my list. :) Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it and I want to read it, but I am a bit concerned with The Night Circus comparison. I was not a fan of that book at all. O_O
ReplyDeleteThis book really caught my attention. The synopsis sounds amazing and it's something completely different and exciting compared to everything else I have been reading recently.
ReplyDeleteI really needt to start this some time! And the Night Circus! I love the look of the world and the setting. Great to see you enjoyed this-definitely reading it soon.