Early Review: The Prince by Tiffany Reisz

The Prince by Tiffany Reisz (The Original Sinners #3)

Egalley thanks to Harlequin Mira

18+ only

Synopsis from Goodreads
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...preferably in bed. That's always been Kingsley Edge's strategy with his associate, the notorious New York dominatrix Nora Sutherlin. But with Nora away in Kentucky, now it's Kingsley's chance to take her place at the feet of the only man he's ever wanted -- Søren, Nora's on-again, off-again lover -- until a new threat from an old enemy forces him to confront his past.

Wes Railey is still the object of Nora's tamest yet most maddening fantasies, and the one man she can't forget. He's young. He's wonderful. He's also thoroughbred royalty and she's in "his" world now. But Nora is no simpering Southern belle, and her dream of fitting into Wesley's world is perpetually at odds with her dear Søren's relentlessly seductive pull.

Two worlds of wealth and passion call to her and whichever one Nora chooses, it will be the hardest decision she will ever have to make... unless someone makes it for her....

Release date: November 20th 2012.

Amazon  US/UK(£ 3.91) | Amazon kindle US/UK | The Book Depository US/UK | Fishpond


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It's been a week since I finished reading The Prince and still I'm reeling. Mostly this is the story of Soren and Kingsley, it's who I was reading this book for. It's who I felt for. Even through Nora talking about Soren with Wes.

To be completely honest, I don't like Wes. *gasp* He doesn't understand Nora and he doesn't belong to her world. His relationship with her is like a parody on Christian Grey and Ana, but with a much more realistic ending. Unless he discovers his inner goddess I can't see how he would fit in. At the moment he is a lost puppy Nora indulges and pampers, cute, adorable... He might be something that Nora wants but not needs. And I think she understands it perfectly well.

He on the other hand naively believes that his virginal love with heal her of her kink. *snort* Yes, just like Ana. The same belief that the right woman will heal someone from a homosexualism,  as if it is some kind of disease.

So, if the passages describing Nora playing Mrs. Robinson with Wes were amusing, Kingsley and Soren together were spellbinding. Tiffany did warn me, that The Prince is darker that the other two books, and it is. It's very harsh but at the same time it's gripping and realistic, there is nothing gratuitous about the sadistic nature of Soren or Kingsley's love for him when these two were teenagers. They seemed to need each other like air. However twisted their love might have looked like there was certain harmony to it.

Tiffany Reisz keeps us on even finer, sharper edge of erotic thriller with this story. Be prepared for the ending that leaves you just as gobsmacked as it left me. I wanted to scream and kick something in frustration, I needed the next book! It was an exhilarating, dangerous, glorious ride, an exploration of human need for pain and pleasure, that left me aching for more. Highly recommended.

The Siren - 9.5/10
The Angel - 9.5/10

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Рекомендовать тем, кто не захотел прочесть Сирену, эту книгу я думаю бесполезно. Я тем, кто прочитал, - тем более. Прочтут и без меня. 

Тиффану Райс - просто какая-то необыкновенная волшебница пера. От её прозы настолько захватывает дух, что НЕ ЧИТАТЬ дальше её невозможно. С другой стороны, как объяснить в чём сила её книг совершенно постороннему человеку? *разводя руками*

Принц - это книга о Кингсли и Сорене, об их встрече в иезуитской школе, об их сложных отношениях, об отчаянной нужде друг в друге и о том как нелегко им общаться в настоящем когда между ними стоит Элеонор и призрак сестры Кингсли.

Даже сюжетная линия с Уэсом и Норой хоть и забавляет своей пародийностью на Кристиана Грея и Ану, так как Сорен и Кингсли не цепляет. Оба наконец-то раскрываются через повествование Кингсли и попытки Норы объяснить Сорена Уэсли.

Сам Уэс кроме разражения во мне ничего не вызвал. Ему нет места в мире Норы, да и она никогда не будет счастлива в золотой клетке с ним. Не такая она женщина. Поэтому ситуация кажется безвыходной.

Концовка, мама дорогая! просто меня убила. Хотелось закричать и пнуть ногой об стенку, хотелось начать следующую книгу, а ни хрена. Нет её ещё. Безумно прекрасный эротический триллер, жутко рекомендую!


  1. You are so brave. I can't even gather enough courage to read The Angel. This is a great review, however ominous. :)


  2. That good? Even with those parts you did not like? Then it sure most be good o_O

  3. This series seems to get better and better and darker and darker. Great review Kara I loved The Angel and I'm even more keen to start The Prince now.

  4. Oh gosh I have books one and two..so out of my element..but i am determined to try book one before the year is up!

  5. Joy, I don't think these books are harsher than Voinov you are reading, especially his Special Forces. So you might as well dive in! :)

    Blodeuedd, yep, she is unbelievably talented.

    Lesley, can't wait to see what you think! :)

    Kimba, you have to at least try. Seriously, these are some of the best reads for me this year!


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