Dystopian YA Review: Slated by Teri Terry

Slated by Teri Terry ( Slated #1)

gifted by Joy@Joyous Reads

Synopsis from Goodreads
Kyla’s memory has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.

She’s been Slated.

The government claims she was a terrorist, and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?

 Amazon  US/UK(£4.92) | Amazon kindle US/UK(£4.49) | The Book Depository US/UK | Fishpond


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What a fantastic read! *happy dance* Every time I sit down to read a YA dystopia, I'm always wary of disappointment. I can probably count on my fingers really good ones I've managed to find this year, and Slated is in their midst.

It's gripping, it's intense, dark, and what's more important, - it's believable. I was glued to the pages and just couldn't stop until I've read the last sentence.

Kyla has been slated and had to learn all the necessary skills all over again, she's been given a new adopted family, school and possible friends, but she feels that something is wrong with her. There are persistent nightmares, flashes of aggression, long forgotten skills drifting to the surface and an overwhelming fear of Lorders - Low and Order police...

England lives in constant fear, fear of environmental terrorists, fear of saying something wrong, fear of being led away by Lorders and disappearing... If you ever watched V for Vendetta, Teri Terry painted a very similar picture. Harsh reprimands for small acts of defiance, killings and slating, totalitarianism at its worst. And yet, it seems like it's a total domination by an organisation rather than one dictator.

Kyla is a terrific character , she is constantly changing, constantly developing, fighting to find herself or remember who she was. She's got friends, co-conspirators and enemies, she doesn't know who to trust, she can not to stay neutral for the sake of her safety.

Everyone in this book is involved, you just can't see straight away whose side they are on. The chilling story flows really well and engages you at all times. I would recommend this to anyone who liked Starters, Angelfall, The Immortal Rules or The Hunger Games. Enjoy!

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 Просто великолепная подростковая антиутопия! А ведь они встречаются не так часто.

Вот всё здесь хорошо - и построение мира наподобие В для Вендетты, в которое веришь; и постоянное развитие самих персонажей как главной героини Кайлы, так и второстепенных характеров. Сам сюжет льётся очень плавно и прямо не замечаешь как добираешься до конца книги.

Всё очень мрачно с нотками ужаса и постоянным напряжением.

16-летняя Кайла в антиутопичном пригороде Лондона начинает новую жизнь, веря в то, что до того как ей стёрли память она была террористкой. После процедуры ей дают новую семью, друзей и школу, только вот Кайла подозревает, что непохожа на других Стёртых - её преследут кошмары, она вспоминает рефлексы, которых у неё не должно остаться, а индикатор её настроения - Лево, который должен заблокировать Стёртых путём смерти, если они кого-нибудь атакуют, воспринимает её гнев как позитивную эмоцию.

Кайла инстинктивно боится и избегает лордеров - сотрудников организации Закона и Порядка - современной тайной полиции, которые помогут исчезнуть любому, кто взбунтуется против системы даже несколькими словами... и внутри неё находится чужая личность, которая так и рвётся наружу.

Тайны, заговоры, и под всем этим ужасная правда об обществе, в котором живут Стёртые, 0тличнейшая антиутопия, которую я всем советую! Читала с огромным удовольствием.


  1. Great review. I want to read it, the cover it's awesome, and sounds really good!

  2. Gripping, intense, dark, believable.. those are the words I want to hear! :) Sounds great :D

  3. OMG! That's a high rating! NEEEEEED. You know I love dystopias. I need to get my hands on this one!

  4. You make me want to read it now :D I am always scared when I start YA dys too

  5. I cannot believe I haven't read this one yet - my very bad! So glad you found a good dystopian!

  6. Liss, Mel - it's one of the best dystopians I've read this year. Hope you will read it!

    Christina, I'm afraid I will sound like a snob but every British dystopia I've picked up so far did not disappoint. Do read it!

    Blodeuedd, haha! There so many bad ones, no wonder1

    Kat, read it! It's excellent.

  7. O.o I want this! Awesome review and I am doing a happy dance now too!

  8. I have seen this cover around but I just haven't looked into it. At all. I guess it didn't grab me enough? So I had no clue it was a dystopian, or how good it was. Wow. Why do YA dystopian novels keep knocking me over the head shouting, "HELLO?! Why are you ignoring us?!" I did the same with Breathe! Straight to the wishlist.

  9. I LOVED The immortal rules, so every book in the same sentence will go on my TBR-soon-list. Kyla sounds like a fantastic character. I love it when a heroin constantly develops :)

  10. This sounds fantastic! I know what you mean about the YA dystopia. So much of it isn't really dystopian just set in a future world that isn't explained much but has some cool angle.


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