Perpetual Night by Georgina Morales review

Perpetual Night by Georgina Morales

review requested by the author

Synopsis from the author
Life at fifteen is complicated with hormones and belligerence but what if you throw in the mix nightmares that torment you even when awake? What if everything you hold dear threatened to slip through your fingers? 

PERPETUAL NIGHT follows Lilibeth Royster's search for the truth in a world where the here and the beyond get tangled; where every clue opens new horrors; where uncovering her secret might threaten more than her sanity, her life.
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This was a short story, described to me as YA horror, and it did leave me uneasy.

Lilibeth is not a nice character. She starts off as this young vulnerable girl with a wonderful best friend. She is suffering from nightmares and having visions, and her friend decides to help her out  by trying to decipher what her dreams are telling her.

He brings a bunch of books (how he got involved into all that, I don't know) which connect Lili to an ancient story of Lilith and Cain, and from that point onwards Lili starts changing. She gets involved in witchcraft and I don't mean in a cute Charmed way, but with very sinister undertones of The Craft movie.

You could see how her character gets more and more selfish. The girl gains powers by claiming her ancestry. She stops caring about her friend and detaches herself from humanity.

This story is very Gothic, and has this old feeling of fear that witchcraft used to create in people who looked into it. Open an old book on witchcraft, and you'd get out of it unease, sense of wrongness, fascination, pain, complete self-absorption and trickery.

Perpetual Night reminded me of this feeling.

There are few frustrating moments in this book, - typos, awkward switches between POVs and lack of development in secondary characters.

However if you a fan of horror genre, you might welcome this short story on a Halloween night. The spookier the better, right?

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Мне не понравилась книга и главная героиня за компанию с ней. Это короткая история с ошибками, неловкими переходами от характера к характеру и чувством скрытой боязни.

15-летняя Лилибит мучается кошмарами, и когда её лучший друг пытается помочь ей в них разобраться, они натыкаются на древнюю историю о Лилит и Каине. Лили погружается понемногу в книги чёрной магии и решается на ритуал, который поможет ей либо отказаться от наследия Лилит, либо принять его.

Книга готичная, с ведьмовством старого образца, демонами, обманом, холодком по коже и неприятным чувством неправильного.

Видно, как становясь ведьмой, Лили меняется, отбрасывает своего друга, и превращается в холодную крысу. В общем-то, видимо книга так и была задумана, чтобы показать ведьм, как таинственных, ни о ком кроме себя не заботящихся существ.

Не впечатлена.



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