Review: Lessons after Dark by Isabel Cooper

Lessons after Dark by Isabel Cooper (Englefield #2)

won from The Qwillery

Synopsis from Goodreads
For years, Gareth St. John put his supernatural talent for healing in service to the British Army. Now he's the doctor at a very unusual new school that helps people with special "talents" learn how to hone their abilities.

Olivia Brightmore became a fake medium to support herself after her husband died, but she never expected to discover real magic as the school's newest teacher. Olivia tries to keep the handsome doctor at arm's length, but she can't resist the urge to get under his skin.

Amazon  US/UK | Amazon kindle US/UK | The Book Depository US/UK | Fishpond(£4.17)


* * *
Not for the first time I finish Isabel Cooper's book and find myself torn between admiration for the fabulous idea and disappointment that the book couldn't quite rise to my expectations. Does that make any sense?

The start is good and reminds me of Harry Potter with all the children in this school in the woods with magical gifts. The kids are really fascinating, and I enjoyed reading about them and their training, but it's all crumbs which leave you starving for more.

I even enjoyed  Olivia and Gareth on their own, it's their interactions which inevitably became the main plotline and followed all the cliches of historical romance that pissed me off.

I desperately want for the series to be something MORE. The first book has an assassin from the future who wants to prevent the end of the world and an honest to God mage, the second book has a real medium and a magical healer... It's awesome, peeps, especially when these two couples are together in the same school.

There could be all sorts of weird and wonderful things in such combination - fights and training and amazing intrigues, but no. What we get is a historical paranormal romance, and that makes me want to beat my head against the wall. WHY are we given all these delicious threads when they are never going to be unravelled?


My own fault for yet again expecting something that the book is not. Still, I recommend this series because it is pretty unique.

No  Proper Lady  - 8/10 (Englefield #1)

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Как всегда, читала книгу, а нашла фигу! Жадная я иногда и ожидаю от автора большего, чем он выдаёт, грандиозных приключений и масштаба, однако не каждый готов осмелиться на подобную книгу, поэтому я очень часто разочаровываюсь :)

И снова Изабель Купер подала на блюдечке с глубой каёмочкой прекраснейшую идею, которая свелась к банальному паранормальному историческому роману. *бьюсь головой об стенку*

А ведь очень жаль! Тут вам и магическая школа для талантливых подростков, и таинственный лес где грань между мирами очень тонка, и интересный медиум-ведьма в паре с магическим лекарем. Хочется большего, и я знаю, что автор смогла бы вытянуть больее сложный сюжет, но она скачет по верхам и преподаёт нам крохи интереснейшей информации, сосредотачиваясь больше на отношениях Оливии и Гарета...


В общем-то, книгу советую из-за оригинальности, но многого от неё не ожидайте.


  1. I just get so sad that these books don't live up to their potential :(

  2. This series sounds so interesting and so many supernatural creatures and elements..i am adding this to my list, despite you wanting more!

  3. Blodeuedd, with you on that sister! :)

    That's what I was saying, Kimba :) It's really good series, which a lot of people will like much more than me. I just prefer more kick-assery LOL


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