Urban Fantasy Early Review: Hot Blooded by Amanda Carlson

Hot Blooded by Amanda Carlson (Jessica McClain #2)

Egalley thanks to Hachette Book Group

Synopsis from Goodreads
It hasn't been the best week for Jessica McClain.

Her mate has been kidnapped by a Goddess hell-bent on revenge --- but Jessica is playing for keeps.

Because she's the only female werewolf in town...it comes with its own set of rules...and powers.

Aided by two vamps, two loyal Pack members, and one very reluctant human, Jessica must rescue her man while coming to terms with what being a wolf really means.

All in a day's work for a girl.

The second novel in the Jessica McClain series is a full on action adventure featuring one angry Goddess and plenty of monsters, demons, and a few newly risen beasties...

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I am really enjoying this new name in urban fantasy genre. Amanda Carlson proved that she can write decisive, interesting, fully capable of badassery characters; create a wonderfully complex world-building and end her books with a big bang. And I LOVE that. This is what encompasses UF genre for me!

Hot Blooded might be even better than Full Blooded. The whole book is about Jessica and her companions on the move to get Rourke from a really crazy, sadistic Goddess, Selena. Again, Rourke is in Jessica thoughts but he doesn't domineer the plot. Even when they are back together, there is no moochiness I so dislike in instant love/perfect mate shifter relationship. It's all go, go, go, act now, love later as it's only appropriate in the situation.

There is also a deep, lovely connection between Jessica and her brother, Tyler, interesting developments with a couple of vamps who help them on their journey, Eamonn and Naomi, and ever so amusing snarkiness of human police detective, Roy.

Roy, I am rooting for you! Don't you dare disappear in the next book! I fully expect you to play an important role in this series :)

Overall, it's an excellent, action packed urban fantasy, reminiscent of Rachel Vincent and Caitlin Kittredge's writing, so if you loved both of these authors, I suggest you don't miss out on Amanda Carlson!

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Отличное городское фэнтези от нового автора, Аманды Карлсон. Вторая книга читается также легко и быстро как и первая. Действие не останавливается ни на минуту и полно драйва и задора, построение мира интересное, и здесь такая мешанина паранормальных существ, что без водки и не разберёшься!

В Горячей Крови Джессика отправляется за своим партнёром/половинкой её волчьей души, Рурком, которого захватила в плен совершенно сумасшедшая садистка, богиня Селена. В дороге ей помогают её братишка Тайлер, друг Дэнни, два вампира-близнеца Еамонн и Наоми, и наконец с собой она тащит упёртого занозу в заднице, полицейского детектива Роя.

За Роя я кстати очень болею. Он такой колоритный персонаж, что мне совершенно не хочется с ним прощаться, и учитывая, как заканчивается вторая книга, будет очень интересно за ним наблюдать и дальше :)

Всё путешествие полно смертельных сюрпризов, предательств и совершенно неожиданных развитий сюжета, и в целом Аманда знает как закончить книгу на высокой ноте, после отличнейших схваток и удовлетворительной победы над Селеной.

Что мне также очень импонирует, так это то, что отношениям между Джессикой и Рурком не отдана большая часть повествования. Читатель знает, что они существуют и как крепка связь между обоими, но это совершенно не мешает самому сюжету.

В общем, серию очень советую фанатам Рэйчел Винсент и Кэйтлин Киттредж, потому как Аманда Карлсон очень мне напоминает авторский стиль обоих авторов.


  1. I agree this was all action and fantastic world building! A new series for my must buy pile! :-)

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well. It's a really great book but I really want the third lol

  3. Just FYI, you convinced me that I should keep going in this series. I was totally on the fence, since I liked the first one, but not passionately so.

  4. I have got to start this series!

  5. Yeah!!! So glad you loved it too. I love that we learn more (with Jessica) about Jessica. And the world opens up here. :)

  6. Great explination of UF! I wonder when the third one will come out...

  7. Blodeuedd, I've no doubt you read it one day! :D

    Mel, excellent series!

    D., me too!

    Christina, I think it's really well written and avoid the pitfalls which make so many UF irritating after awhile.

    Bea, you so should! :)

    Melissa, yep, it's like the more you keep digging the more complex it gets!

    Lexi, probably autumn-winter this year.


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