Early review: Boyfriend from Hell by Jamie Quaid
Boyfriend from Hell by Jamie Quaid (Saturn's Daughter #1)
Egalley thanks to Pocket BooksSynopsis from Goodreads
They say justice is blind. But Justine isn’t.
Justine (Tina) Clancy is just an ordinary law student with a faulty arrest record, a part-time job in Baltimore’s radioactive Zone, and a family secret so bizarre even she doesn’t believe it. That is, until in a fit of fury she damns her boyfriend to hell—and it’s exactly where he ends up.
Much to her surprise, Tina is apparently one of Saturn’s daughters, with the power to wield vigilante justice. But poor Max didn’t deserve to go up in flames, even if he did almost run her over with her own car. Tina’s convinced someone cut the brakes—and now a relentless nemesis is stalking her through the Zone’s back alleys, where buildings glow, statues move, and chemical waste exposure comes with interesting consequences. Tina’s usually a loner, but now she needs a posse like no other: a shape-shifting kitten, an invisible thief, a biker gang, a snake-charming private detective, a well-meaning cop, and her sleazy, sexy boss. But in between freeing Max from hell, saving her own neck, and solving a mystery that threatens the Zone and her newfound friends, how is she ever going to study for finals?
Release date: September 25th 2012.
Amazon US/UK | Amazon kindle US/UK(£3.99) | The Book Depository US/UK(£3.77)
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This book is bonkers in quite a unique way :D First of all there are no your average monsters, no vamps or werewolves, no magic... Instead there is a chemical spill once upon a time, and a certain area called The Zone is quarantined and forgotten.
Strange things are happening in the Zone, statues stalk you and posters on the walls have a mind of their own, and if you really really want something, Zone will grant you your wish. Literally. So be careful what you wish for if you've lived in the Zone long enough.
Justine is an accountant with a leg crippled years ago in uni when she was protesting against some sort of discrimination against students. A policeman pushed her down the stairs and now she has a criminal record, can't find a decent job and re-graduating from the university as a criminal lawyer.
The only job Justine can find is for Andre, a seedy bar owner in the Zone, and her boyfriend Max as of late is more and more unreliable, until one day she believes he tries to run her over with her own car. Enraged, Justy screams "Damn you to hell, Max!" and Zone grants her wish...
Now, Max talks to her through the mirrors, she tries to find a corrupt politician who crashed into kids in his car the same time her boyfriend died and some corporate spooks are after her and her new abilities.
Not only the Zone protects its own, but Justine finds out that she is Saturn's daughter whose goal is to dispense justice with a side perk of correcting her appearance with each kill...
I can't even go further into the plot. It's mad, fun, messy and pretty bizarre. I certainly think that fans of Nancy Holzner, Vicki Pettersson and Kelly Meding will appreciate this type of insanity.
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Суматошная и сумасшедшая книга, которая особо придётся по вкусу поклонникам Нэнси Холзнер, Викки Петтерссон и Келли Мединг.Здесь нет привычных нам вампиров, оборотней и магии, зато есть химическая катастрофа на одной из фабрик и создание Зоны, отгороженной и забытой местной администрацией.
Жюстина работает бухгалтером на полукриминального владельца баров в Зоне, Андрэ. Одна из её ног короче другой из-за несчастного случая в молодости, когда она протестовала с толпой студентов в университете и полицейский столкнул её с лестницы. Теперь на ней висит криминальное прошлое и она не может найти нормальную работу нигде кроме Зоны.
Зона - это странное место, где каменные статуи следят за тобой, а постеры на стенах живут своей собственной жизнью. Чем дольше ты живёшь в Зоне, тем сильнее она тебя меняет, и иногда если ты чего-то сильно хочешь, твоё желание исполняется. В буквальном смысле.
Так что будь осторожен с высказыванием своих желаний вслух...
Вот и Жюстина, которая в один день ожидала своего безалаберного бойфренда, чтобы тот подобрал её на её же машине с Зоны, увидев, что тот собирается её задавить, совершенно случайно послала Макса в ад.
Теперь не только за ней гоняется влиятельная семья Макса, корпоративные шпионы и журналисты из жёлтой прессы, но она узнаёт, что родилась дочерью Сатурна, предназначение которой вершить правосудие с неожиданно приятным побочным эффектом - после каждого убийства что-то в её внешности улучшается... Да и сам Макс не перестаёт разговаривать с ней в зеркалах...
Безумная, странная, весёлая книга, в которую напихано буквально всё! Советую, особенно тем, кто устал от обычного паранормала и ищет что-то свеженькое и оригинальное.
So glad you enjoyed it as well, I think this book was really fun, loved the idea in it.
ReplyDeleteGreat review, thank you! I will gladly accept the title of bizarre czar. "G"
ReplyDeleteEh, sounds good enough :)
ReplyDeleteEven if she is dreadfully skinny looking
Oh man! I do want this one. Good to see you enjoyed it. :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOkay, so the book sounds good. I love stories about mutations or whatever caused by chemicals or something. BUT THAT COVER IS SO AWFUL I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN READ IT. :(