Contemporary Romance Review: The One in My Heart by Sherry Thomas

The One in My Heart by Sherry Thomas

Egalley thanks to the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
When Evangeline Canterbury meets the gorgeous, intriguing doctor next door, all she wants from him is a bit of distraction, to help her get over a few rough days.

Her one-night stand, however, has other plans: He needs an accomplished and presentable girlfriend to bring before his parents—and for six months of her time, he is willing and prepared to spend an obscene amount of money.

Nothing but trouble can come of such an arrangement. But can Eva stop herself? Or will she fall headlong in love with a man who will leave her when their contract expires with a smile, a check, and hardly a backward glance?

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Well, peeps. How many of you glanced at the cover and the synopsis and dismissed this book as describing one of the most used tropes in romance genre? Yeah, right. If I wasn't a long-standing fan of Sherry Thomas, starting from her historicals and ending by her incredibly well put together young adult fantasy fiction series, I would have gleefully walked by.

Well, don't. Thomas's new venture into contemporary romance was just as successful as Milan's latest, Trade Me. The more I read her, the more I realise that this woman can not do anything wrong  in my book.

The One in My Heart starts like a trope but it turns everything you know and expect upside down. The character development is exquisite, the family ties are strong and healthy, the dialogues between primary or secondary characters both, are to die for.

Bennett and Evangeline meet by chance on a rainy night while Evangeline wanders around thinking about her beloved stepmother with her mental illness. She is emotionally vulnerable, and Bennett, barely an acquaintance fits the bill for a beautiful stranger whom she wants to forget her woes with for one night. She comes up for a slice of tiramisu and stays for a delicious sexual encounter.

Months later they meet again, and this time he has an offer for a successful, talented professor with a highly esteemed family connections. He wants to reconcile with his estranged parents and needs a pretend girlfriend to ease his way in.

I am dying to tell you what's really going on, but it would spoil a lovely surprise.Suffice to say, you will be surprised and touched and wooed. The One In My Heart reminded me of The Genius and The Muse by Elizabeth Hunter, Trade Me by Courtney Milan and the latest trilogy Elements of Chemistry by Penny Reid. The characters are highly intelligent, wry, cagey and not prone to dramatics. I absolutely love that, and if you do too, you are in for a treat!

Highly recommended, read it.

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Ну что ж, мои дорогие, если бы я не знала автора и не фанатела от её исторических романов и очень удачной серии подросткового фэнтези, я бы спокойно прошла мимо унылой обложки и синопсиса, кажется собравшего в себе нескольких клише современного романа.

И зря. Чем больше я читаю Шерри Томас, тем больше я убеждаюсь,  что буквально всё, что выходит из под её пера - это сплошное золото.

Наши стереотипы оказываются перевёрнуты вверх тормашками, оба характера главных героев - живы, очаровательны и сильны в своем собственном праве; оба играют роль и охотника и добычи. Они серьёзны, профессионально признаны как специалисты, живут полноценной жизнью и любят свои семьи. Они также не склонны к драматизму, и парадоксально, именно это их хладнокровие мешает их обоюдному счастью.

Я бы очень хотела рассказать в чем же изюминка этой книги, но боюсь, что основательно её проспойлерю и испорчу вам впечатление. Мне этот роман напомнил любимые мною Гения и Музу от Элизабет Хантер, Поменяйся со Мной от Куртни Милан и серию Элементы Химии от Пенни Рид. Если они понравились и вам, читайте эту книгу, Очень мило и просто очаровательно. Рекомендую!

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