Hunt the Moon by Karen Chance review

Hunt the Moon by Karen Chance (Cassandra Palmer #5)

Synopsis from Goodreads
Cassandra Palmer recently defeated a god, which you'd think would buy a girl a little time off. But it doesn't work that way when your job description is Pythia-the world's chief clairvoyant. Cassie is busier than ever, trying to learn about her power, preparing for her upcoming coronation, and figuring out her relationship with the enigmatic sexy master vampire, Mircea.

But someone doesn't want Cassie to become Pythia, and is willing to go to any lengths to make sure the coronation ceremony never happens- including attacking her mother before Cassie is even born.

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I love Cassie Palmer, she is such a riot! Although I've waited for a long time for every book in the series to come out, it was so worth it.

The book is constant non-stop action. Poor Cassie despite being surrounded by her vampire guards is getting assassination attempts every day. Possessions, dragons and demigods, they are all after her. 

She also jumps through time frames after her mother to save her, because Cassie's enemies try to end her as well.

We see plenty of beautiful, slash-boom-bang battles. Mircea and Pritkin take turns fighting side to side with Cassie for their lives. Mircea, Pritkin! *fans herself* There are some extremely scorching scenes with those two in the book. I honestly can't choose who I prefer, they are both fantastic men :)

Mircea and Cassie's relationship take step further, and he at last understands that he can't smother her with his care anymore. He has to trust her to make her own decisions and take her own risks. Pritkin also tells her more about his past.

The ending is AWESOME. Not with a whimper but with a bang. It opens an enormous amount of possibilities for Cassie, and I can't wait to read about them. 

Favorite scene: after fighting the dragon.
Favorite quote:
"I was telling you about my research into the old Norse sagas - the mythology of ancient Scandinavia. Have you read them?"
"Uh, no."
"You'd like them, Cassie". He waved the hand with the chalk in it. "All sex and violence".
* * *
Бедная Касси! Ей достаётся по самое не могу, и эта книга не исключение. Что ни день, то попытка её убить, погони, схватки, брутальные полубоги и драконы и шикарные горячие сцены с Мирцеей и Приткиным *обмахивается веером* Причём, я люблю их обоих - ну очень мужики хороши! :)))

Приближается день коронации Пифии, и несмотря на то, что Касси постоянно охраняют вампиры, её враги находят всё более изощрённые способы на неё напасть. К тому же она узнаёт, что убийство Аполло вполне возможно положило начало Рагнароку - войне богов (тут очень много скандинавской мифологии). Совершенно случайно Касси узнаёт, что в прошлом за её матерью тоже гонялись, чтобы её убить, и она пытается это предотвратить, прыгая за ней через временные рамки.

Мирцея ей помогает, дерясь плечом к плечу с ней в прошлом. Приткин сражается рядом с ней в настоящем. С Мирцеей, кстати, они наконец переходят к более равноправным отношениям, он понимает, что ему нужно начать доверять Касси самой о себе позаботиться, а не душить её своей заботой.

Концовка, концовка, мама дорогая! Хотелось заорать и немедленно прочитать следующую книгу :( Шикарно, грандиозно и открывает море новых возможностей. ЧИТАТЬ!!!

Любимая сцена: после схватки с драконом.
Цитата: (см.выше)



  1. I just want her to write faster! ;)

  2. I know! Dorina's book is next. I really want them to meet, it would be so comical. Dorina thinking that Cassie is some daft blonde, and Cassie thinking that Dorina is one of Mircea's exes... :)

  3. I need to get this book. I keep seeing it, not picking it up because I can't justify it and then forgetting about it until I see it again. I NEED TO READ IT! Ugh.

    FYI.. I just bought an eReader. My soul feels a little bit dead about this, but I am sharing it with my husband. That's how I am going to sleep better at night. It's a Kobo Touch... all this to say, I will now pay much more attention to your eBook mentions. :)

  4. You've joined the Darkside, Cat! LOL. I read all my ebooks on laptop, and it's very inconvenient, so I donn't blame you for getting an ereader at all.
    I love Karen Chance, she is extremely entertaining in a very UF way. Hope you'll give her a chance! ;)


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