Angel's Fury by Bryony Pearce review

Angel's Fury by Bryony Pearce

copy won from Daisy Chain Book Reviews

Synopsis from Goodreads
"I've started to have dreams while I'm awake. I remember music I've never heard ... I've got all this extra stuff in my head, but I'm forgetting things from my own life. I feel like I'm being taken over."

Cassie Farrier has always suffered from terrifying nightmares. On a trip to Germany she recognises scenes from her dreams and finds evidence of a sixty year-old massacre. Fearing for her sanity, her family sends Cassie to a retreat where she meets others with symptoms like her own and finds out that she has lived a number of past lives.

However, the Doctor at the retreat is not what she seems. Cassie and the boy she comes to love must escape the Doctor’s influence but can they also escape the misery of their shared past?

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Another good British author, and she even lives in Peak District, which is not that far from me, yay!

First of all, disregard Goodreads synopsis - it's very misleading. There is no "boy she comes to love", there is a boy Cassie likes and he likes her, but don't expect Romeo&Juliet. The story is harsh, gritty, original and keeps you tense... yeah, you can see that I've thoroughly enjoyed it!

Cassie suffers from brutal nightmares all her life. In her dreams she sees few Jewish families in Nazi Germany being murdered along with a little Jewish girl. She is that girl, and every night she dies. No wonder, Cassie looks like crap, and her grades at school are bad, and she has no friends...

When her school goes on a trip to Germany, they happen to get to that particular city where Jewish girl lived, and Cassie hoping that a proper burial will help her to get rid of her nightmares gives an anonymous tip to the police about a place with murdered families bodies.

However her nightmares only get worse. At last her parents contact a doctor who specialises on past life experiences, and Cassie gets to go to her private research facility where the doctor will try to end her nightmares.

Cassie meets up with other teenagers who suffer from the same condition and nothing in the clinic seems right. After an investigation with her new friends Cassie finds out the real goal of the doctor....

Hope I didn't give away too much. I loved the story, and the end begged for a new book. There is not much paranormal in this book, but what is there is spooky and written really well. The characters are excellent, and everything is just so well done. I'm impressed!

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Слава Богу, что после никакой предыдущей книги мне попалась эта очень хорошая история!
Опять британский автор, прекрасно написано, оригинальный сюжет, паранормала мало, зато он ключевой.
Основная тема - реинкарнация и месть отверженных ангелов.

Касси Фаррьер всю жизнь страдает от кошмара, в котором она переживает смерть маленькой еврейской девочки в нацистской Германии. Затем её класс едет в Германии по учёбе, Касси оказывается в месте гибели девочки и даёт анонимную наводку местной полиции, которая обнаруживает захоронение нескольких еврейских семей.

Кошмары Касси усиливаются, и её семья обращается к доктору, которая специализируется на памяти прошлых жизней, надеясь, что она остановит кошмары Касси.

Касси приходится поселиться в специализированную клинику, где она знакомится ещё с несколькими подопытными крысами и узнает, что доктор на самом деле хочет достигнуть своими экспериментами над детьми совсем других целей...

Очень захватывает, жизненно и довольно жёстко. Прекрасная концовка. Я надеюсь, что автор напишет продолжение, так как книга этого просит.



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