Book Buying Ban week#11

You have to check out Trey Ratcliff's amazing HDR photography, peeps! Not only his website Stuck in Customs is a joy to look at, it's all under Creative Commons license, so you can actually use it on your blog.

I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

Here is what I read last week:

DELIVERANCE was a mind-blowing brutal adventure of a book, as it always happens when I read Dakota Banks,  BUILDING FROM ASHES is a new spin-off from Elemental Vampires novels by Elizabeth Hunter. While it's not as fascinating as Gio and Beatrice's story, it's still a very good paranormal mystery romance. At last, WITHER was a gripping, engaging and creepy novel which I liked despite my reservations about the main heroine, and THE LOST STONES made me dig into a fascinating topic which I don't know much about at all.


Unfortunately, THE MAGE was the last book in series I was unfamiliar with. It might have made more sense to someone else, but from 80 pages I've read it was bland, had zero spark between the main characters and involved too much talk. I happily donated it to my local library.

 45 books left (2 for review)

Three things which blew my mind last week:

1. Colonel Meow
That cat is amazing! Named the world's grumpiest cat, he calls his fans minions, loves his scotch and generally cultivates his look of a devil's spawn.

2. Bodyform
Bodyform's amazing response to someone's complaint on Facebook, that their adverts lied about happy periods. Fabulous marketing, I would buy their product just for this!

3. Agnes Obel
Such a fantastic, magical voice!

This is it.
Kimberly your cake is in the post to the amusement of the clerk in Royal Mail.

Keep an eye on this blog next week, folks, because this is what's coming...

Ciao! Happy Sunday!


  1. Hahaha, that cat cracks me up! Oh and the Bodyform spot is so much fun - of course I've seen that one before as it's all over FB right now!

    I must admit I didn't get into "Wither" at all despite being drawn to the book in the first place because of the plot idea. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated it, but this is a perfect example of "didn't work for me" while everyone else seems to love it to bits.

  2. Wow that kitty is creepy *stares back*

  3. I really don't like that cat. Really, Really. I do however, love that Bodyform clip I hadn't seen it but it was pretty funny.

    Another week of your book buying ban, I bow to your immense will power!

  4. I think I am buying books on your behlaf you you know. It's like a certain amount of books NEED to be bought in the world and if someone stops, another reader has to take up the slack ;) Well that's my excuse...another 7 books in this week and I haven't checked to see if any have snuck in on my Kindle o_O

  5. Birgit, I can see why you didn't like it. It was borderline for me as well, which I'll talk about more when I'll review it.

    Blodeuedd, Lesley, he looks like gremlins from that cute 80s black comedy, you remember it? So creepily cool!

    Ellie, awesome excuse! :) I admit I'm looking forward to going to London in 2 weeks and buying some books because I will be on holiday :))) These holidays help me stay sane, otherwise my book buying ban would have been a disaster ;)

  6. I LOVE that Bodyform reply!! Had me chuckling away.
    You seem to be doing so well with your book buying ban - I'm very impressed! I may have to return to a ban come November myself as I seem to have gone a little mad over the last month once my ban finished...opps!

  7. I can't wait to read the Elizabeth Hunter book!!! I'm sorry the mage wasn't for you, I liked it even if I didn't know the others. I agree I love the cat!

  8. Deliverance looks exactly like my kind of book. I'll do my best to squeeze it in somehow. I'm looking forward to it. :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yay for not buying more books yet, I really need to do this but I have no will power and have already picked up 3 books this week alone with no idea of when I will read them.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

  10. What would happen if I actually try to put a number on how many books in my TbR? I'd have to impose a BOOK BUYING BAN FOR ETERNITY. God. You are sooo good at this, K. I envy you.

    Anyway, I hope you'll have a great week!


  11. Ha glad the royal post got a kick out of it..and i cannot wait to receive it..LOL Great reads this week and that cat...OMG I want to be his fan!

  12. Hehehe I laughed so hard at the Bodyform clip - I saw it the other night and I loved they had the balls to release that! Obviously that silly man didn't get the irony of those adverts ;-)

    Ah Wither, I'm so on the fence about that one.

    Well done on reaching Week Eleven *bows down in awe*

  13. LOL, Colonel Meow is creepy...and crazy fluffy. Great reading this week, and we all have DNF's at times... Have a great week and thanks for stopping by, Book Savvy Babe

  14. HAH! That pic of Colonel Meow is even better than the one you posted on twitter. :D :D

    You are making great progress on your books and I am so impressed with your purchasing restraint. Way to go!

  15. Mel, the only thing that keeps me going is that I'm 5 weeks away from its end! :)

    Dehlia, Building from Ashes was really good, and I'm sure you'd love it just as much as I did!

    Maja, Mortal Path series is phenomenal and has really unique mythology. I really hope you'll pick it up!

    Michelle, believe me it's really hard. I don't think I'll be able to do it very often ;)

    J!!! Ahaha! I wish I knew how may books are actually in your TBR and calculate how many years you need to get through them ;)))

    Kimba, I already like his Facebook page. You can do the same :)

    Kat, I've been giggling at this ad all week. So effing epic!

    Heather, I think he is Himalayan cat. Really unusual looking, I agree!

    Thanks, Bea! I'm trying, but this close to book buying binge :))

  16. Thanks for the link to that travel photography blog. That guy is amazing!

    I saw the Bodyform commercial this week. Brilliant marketing strategy. It had me cracking up. I wish commercials in the US were that bold.

    How did Colonel Meow's eyes get that way?? My grandma had a Himalayan but she had normal blue eyes. What is that I don't even but it's awesome. :)

  17. Kara, he is! He's got over 1000 fab photos on that blog. I was in total awe... Colonel Meow is an awesome freak of nature I suspect :)


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