Review: Monster in My Closet by R.L.Naquin

Monster in My Closet by R.L.Naquin (Monster Haven #1)

Egalley thanks to Carina Press

Synopsis from Goodreads
I stopped believing in monsters long ago. But I knew I wasn’t imagining things when I found one in my kitchen baking muffins. I’d seen him before: lurking in my closet, scaring the crap out of my five-year-old self. Turns out that was a misunderstanding, and now Maurice needs a place to stay. How could I say no?

After all, I’ve always been a magnet for the emotionally needy, and not just in my work as a wedding planner. Being able to sense the feelings of others can be a major pain. Don’t get me wrong, I like helping people—and non-people. But this ability has turned me into a gourmet feast for an incubus, a demon that feeds off emotional energy. Now, brides are dropping dead all over town, and my home has become a safe house for the supernatural. I must learn to focus my powers and defeat the demon before he snacks on another innocent woman and comes looking for the main course…

 Amazon kindle US($4.61)/UK(£3.19)


* * *
 This is very much a paranormal chick-lit novel, despite the bodies dropping right, left and centre. It's lighthearted, funny and entertaining, and it was a pleasure to read it.

Zoey is what I like about chick-lit. She is flamboyant, geeky and very eccentric redhead wedding planner. She is also an empath who ends up absorbing feelings of everyone else around her.

So when one morning she gets out of bed and finds a closet monster in her kitchen making her a fresh cup of coffee with home-baked muffins, she is terrified but charmed just as well (see: muffins). This is the same monster who terrified her as a child, but now his wife cheated on him with a bridge troll and he needs to stay away from his own house for awhile.

Okay... Talking to Maurice, Zoey finds out that her own mother used to run a shelter for monsters and everyone loved her, now it's Zoey they come to. Our girl blinks and finds herself surrounded by monsters, her house is sparkling and magically protected... but at the same time she attracts attention of one greedy incubus who thinks of her like all-you-can-eat buffet, and soon her clients start dropping dead like flies, her business partner feels ill and a gorgeous paramedic Riley can't stop bumping into her.

Above all looms the wedding of the year, which can make or break her business, and Zoey is determined to succeed even if both mother of the bride and her incubus try to kill her.

Funny, warm and lively, I'm definitely recommending it to anyone looking for lighter paranormal romance/comedy.

* * *
Очень милая книженция в стиле Венди Холден и прочих авторов женской литературы, только с паранормальным уклоном.

Зоуи - эмпат с диким буйством красок в одежде и профессией свадебного организатора. Работу свою она любит, призвание приносит ей дикую головную боль, пока одним утром Зоуи не поднимается с кровати, чтобы не обнаружить монстра-из-шкафа, подающего ей кофе с только что испечёнными булочками у неё на кухне.

Знакомьтесь, Морис. Его жена изменила ему с троллем, и теперь ему нужно место, чтобы приконтоваться на какое-то время. От Мориса ошарашенная Зоуи узнаёт, что её мама была очень любима сообществом монстров и различных магических существ, так как её дом всегда был убежищем для тех, кто в беде, и теперь от Зоуи ожидается, что она продолжит её дело.

Без проблем. Вскоре её дом сияет чистотой, на столе всегда стоит вкуснейшая еда, и стены её окружены магической защитой, только вот в то же время Зоуи привлекает внимание жадного инкуба, который видит в ней роскошный ешь-не хочу буфет и намерен выпить её эмоции до дна.

Т вот теперь её невесты умирают одна за другой, бывший муж клянчит деньги, партнёр по бизнесу заболевает, а секси парамедик постоянно сталкивается с ней в самых неожиданных местах и настаивает на свидании.

Помимо всего над Зоуи висит свадьба года, и даже если мать невесты и инкуб её прикончат в процессе, она намерена довести её до конца.

Смешно, легко читается и идеально подходит для лета. Рекомендую.


  1. Lol, I love how she is crouching and not looking fierce, or sexy for that matter

  2. I knew you couldn't resist a red-headed story! This sounds kinda fun - and it's nice to mix up the heavy and the light stories occasionally! :-)

  3. This sounds like a fun, easy read and sometimes that is exactly what i am looking for on a Sunday afternoon..thanks for sharing it! Great review :)

  4. She is not really fierce, Blodeuedd, which is what I liked. Just funny!

    Mel, you know me :))) I love my redheads!

    Kimba, it was a very nice read. Hope, you'll pick it up one day :)

  5. I'm really curious about this one, I really like the idea. thanks for the review!

  6. ha ha. that sounds cute and fun. I like that the mother runs a shelter for monsters. lol. Thanks!


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