Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter REVIEW

Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter (House of Comarré #2)

library copy

Synopsis from Goodreads
Those born into the comarré life produced blood in rich, pure, powerful abundance...

With the Ring of Sorrows still missing, and the covenant between othernaturals and mortals broken, Chrysabelle and Malkolm’s problems are just beginning. Chrysabelle still owes Malkolm for his help, but fulfilling that debt means returning to Corvinestri, the hidden vampire city where neither is welcome.

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It was bad people, it was bad, I'm telling you! What a huge difference from the book  one...

Bad points:
  • The plot stagnates. Pretty much nothing is happening. Chrysabelle is angry at Mal, Mal is pissed off with Chrysabelle, Tatiana wants to kill them both and get her ring back. Doc is trying to get Fi back. Enter the witches who cursed him. Hello "go to the point A, collect the item 1, bring it to the point B, exchange for the item 2, repeat until death by boredom".
  • Hi, Creek, a new male interest, a mysterious vampire hunter and a member of Kubai Mata. You suddenly develop a case of rabid and rapid attraction to Chrysabelle, who reciprocates and spends the whole book awkwardly interacting with Creek and Mal and wanting them both. Both men are surprisingly accommodating. Hello, hateful love triangle. We've missed you. NOT.
Good points:
  • Octavian and Tatiana are the only ones who actually don't piss me off. The only reason they don't succeed is because they have to rely on imbeciles, who always fail to deliver :)
Why on earth do we need a love triangle somewhere where there is no ground for it, no passion, and only a mild curiosity on all parts? It's like the characters are trying hard to persuade themselves and the reader that yes, they DO have the feelings for each other and they want to act on it, damn it! 

Frankly speaking, the whole book is a disaster. The potential for a great story I saw in Blood Rights hasn't been realised at all, which is a great pity.

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Мать вашу, такое впечатление, что после первой книги закончились праздники и началось тяжёлое похмелье, потому как вся вторая книга - это бред сивой кобылы.

Сюжет стоит на месте, главные герои дуются друг на друга, второстепенные персонажи играются в "пойди туда, не знаю куда, принеси то, не знаю, что"... Рояль в кустах в форме внезапно появившегося Крика, охотника на вампиров, принадлежащего к тайной организации Кубай Мата решает внезапно и рьяно, что хочет Крисабель, и здравствуй, -  самый неловкий любовный треугольник, который я когда-либо видела...

Это как будто актёры читают сценарий впервые, и робко пытаются войти в роль пылких любовников. Без содрогания читать было невозможно.

Татьяна занимается тем же самым, что и в первой книге - безуспешно пытается отобрать Кольцо у "шлюхи комаррэ" и планирует мировое господство.

В общем, потенциал, обещанный в первой книге не наблюдается. Чтение - потеря времени.



  1. Oh dear. Sounds like you didn't enjoy this at all - are you going to read the third book?

  2. I've read the third book, Mel :) and happy to say it's much improved, but there are still some major issues with plot development, and there is no conclusive ending. I think if I wasn't getting these books from the library, I wouldn't have bought anything after book #2.


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