Friday Mini Reviews Audio Edition #46: Ben Aaronovitch, Jacqueline Carey & Jim Butcher

Foxglove Summer by Ben Aaronovitch (Peter Grant #5)

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Synopsis from Goodreads
In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London - to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can't take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what's more all the shops are closed by 4pm...

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For Peter Grant this book represents a bit of a break, as it's not as crazily busy as the previous books in the series. It's also funnier I'd say, cuter... *shrugs* It's out of the city, it's in the middle of countryside, and sometimes it felt like The Wickerman. I liked it quite well, but I can't say I enjoyed it as much as the previous one with its shocker ending.
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Для Питера Гранта книга эта отпускная. По сравнению с предыдущими атмосфера в ней более расслабленная и неспешная. Ведь Питер отправляется в сельскую глушь для расследования исчезновения детей, и иногда сюжет напоминает  старый британский фильм ужасов Викермэн. И всё же она удалась автору очаровательной, юморной и милой, несмотря на то, что соревноваться ей с шокирующей концовкой книги предыдущей было трудно.

 Naamah's Blessing by Jacqueline Carey (Moirin's Trilogy #3)

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Synopsis from Goodreads
Returning to Terre d'Ange, Moirin finds the royal family broken. Wracked by unrelenting grief at the loss of his wife, Queen Jehanne, King Daniel is unable to rule. Prince Thierry, leading an expedition to explore the deadly jungles of Terra Nova, is halfway across the world. And three year old Desirée is a vision of her mother: tempestuous, intelligent, and fiery, but desperately lonely, and a vulnerable pawn in a game of shifting political allegiances.

As tensions mount, King Daniel asks that Moirin become Desirée's oath-sworn protector. Navigating the intricate political landscape of the Court proves a difficult challenge, and when dire news arrives from overseas, the spirit of Queen Jehanne visits Moirin in a dream and bids her undertake an impossible quest.

Another specter from the past also haunts Moirin. Travelling with Thierry in the New World is Raphael de Mereliot, her manipulative former lover. Years ago, Raphael forced her to help him summon fallen angels in the hopes of acquiring mystical gifts and knowledge. It was a disastrous effort that nearly killed them, and Moirin must finally bear the costs of those bitter mistakes.

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Well, in the whole trilogy, this was a book I least enjoyed (same can be said for the whole nine books in this world, - this is the weakest one). It's just more predictable and deviates less from the history as we know. I also admit that Raphael's parts are the least favorites of mine because I dislike his character as much as I love Bao. Moirin saves everyone again because she is just that perfect and that devoted to her goddess. All I felt in the end was relief that I don't have to deal with her anymore. Still, it's a superbly written series.
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Во всей трилогии да и из всех девяти книг этого мира, книга эта - самая слабая. Сюжет предугадать довольно легко, так как построение мира очень напоминает конкистадоров в Южной Америке и практически не отступает от истории, как она нам известна. Я также неохотно слушала эту книгу из-за Рафаэля, характер которого я не люблю так же сильно, как я обожаю Бао. Мойрин опять всех спасает благодаря своему неукоснительному поклонению своей богине, а я же была просто рада, что больше мне с ней связываться не придётся. Однако, серия эта всё-равно очень хороша для реалистичного фэнтэзи.

 Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher (Harry Dresden #8)

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Synopsis from Goodreads
There's no love lost between Harry Dresden, the only wizard in the Chicago phone book, and the White Council of Wizards, who find him brash and undisciplined. But war with the vampires has thinned their ranks, so the Council has drafted Harry as a Warden and assigned him to look into rumors of black magic in the Windy City.

As Harry adjusts to his new role, another problem arrives in the form of the tattooed and pierced daughter of an old friend, all grown-up and already in trouble. Her boyfriend is the only suspect in what looks like a supernatural assault straight out of a horror film. Malevolent entities that feed on fear are loose in Chicago, but it's all in a day's work for a wizard, his faithful dog, and a talking skull named Bob....

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Aww, Molly Carpenter, charming and clueless enters the scene, and Harry Dresden becomes so much more adorable! Now he has a very young and rebellious friend's daughter to deal with and save from trouble.The thing is Harry is not a loner, he is surrounded by more and more people he cares about, and this is exactly what makes him such an engaging and gorgeous character to feel for. Loved this book!
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 Ах, Молли Карпентер выходит наконец-то на сцену! И от этого характер Гарри Дрездена только выигрывает. Юная, приносящая неприятности ученица - это то, к чему Гарри абсолютно не готов, но Молли - дочка его лучшего друга, и бросить её в беде он никак не может. Классный сюжет как и всегда и прекраснейшие характеры.

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