The Postman Knock #78
Phew! Thank you, everyone, for helping us celebrate our blogoversary! I knew I wouldn't be able to offer any giveaways personally so we managed to beg and cajole our favorite authors to do so for us, for which I'm profoundly thankful!
Anyone wants a list of posts from this week? Just click here!
I've READ:
DARKNESS DIVIDES was a very nice urban fantasy, and I enjoyed Melena's shooting the hell out of Purgatory, hehe. THE SAINT like anything Miss Reisz writes was an absolutely mind blowing five star read. My favorite book in the series. Thanks to it I'm re-reading the whole series from book one and enjoying the hell out of it. THE LAST GOOD KNIGHT serial was bought straight after The Saint, and I loved it, especially Soren's part.
I went on a little spree thanks to our blogoversary :)
A little rant here. I've been wanting to read Also Known As by Robin Benway for absolute ages and couldn't because it's only in hardback on Amazon UK. Thank God, I found accidentally that UK kindle title is actually called Spy Society, so I could buy it at last. Why, publishers, why? Dru Pagliassotti's new book which I've been waiting for ages is not connected to a kindle copy directly as well. So I could only see it as paperback on my wishlist (almost £10 for a copy) until I manually typed the name in search again. Why? Surely it just hurts author's sales. *shakes head*
Anyway, this is me done.
The book recommendation thread will be open until further notice, me thinks :) So if you want to use it, it'll be on the sidebar from tomorrow onwards.
Happy Sunday, everyone!