The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan review
Synopsis from Goodreads
Nick and his brother Alan are on the run with their mother, who was once the lover of a powerful magician. When she left him, she stole an important charm - and he will stop at nothing to reclaim it. Now Alan has been marked with the sign of death by the magician's demon, and only Nick can save him. But to do so he must face those he has fled from all his life - the magicians - and kill them. So the hunted becomes the hunter...but in saving his brother, Nick discovers something that will unravel his whole past...
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I'm sure a lot of people have read this book already, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon quite late. Nevertheless, I have to say this book was great.
I didn't feel engrossed into the plot, but the writing was excellent, the characters pretty amusing and their humour sharp and snarky.
Alan with his goodie-two-shoes attitude was irritating, but then the end explained why he behaved like that.
Nick is fantastic. *I like the way you move, baby!* He is bad ass, detached and has this peculiar way of thinking. Sort of like teen Barrons :))
Mae and Jaimie made great sidekicks and spiced up things a bit.
There are some scenes that I absolutely loved like dancing on Goblin's Market or the creepy house on Isle of Wight. The whole book is Gothic and bleak and gray.
However, I couldn't care less about Olivia or Arthur, they felt cartoonish, not real, so most of my attention inevitably went to Nick.
Overall, great beginning of the series worth investing your time into. I will be reading more!
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Наверняка уже все, кому надо было эту книгу прочитали, а я вот только до неё добралась.
Сначала всё читалось довольно тяжело, но потом я в сюжет въехала. Алан раздражал будучи хорошим хромым мальчиком, а вот Ник мне сразу понравился. У него был интересный голос и образ мыслей. Почему, - стало понятно к концу.
Хороший сюжет, очень понравились танцы на рынке Гоблинов, не поняла маму, Оливию, как-то у неё всё неудачно получилось, и было жутковато на острове Уайт.
Очень понравилось, что всё происходило в Англии, к концу Ник стал интересен вдвойне, так что продолжение читать буду.
Сюжет не пересказываю, так книга есть на русском. Хотя аннотация на русском - такое Г на палочке,что из неё совершенно ничего не понятно...:(
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