Chinese Historical Fantasy Drama Review: My Heroic Husband (2021)

My Heroic Husband (2021) Season 1

34 episodes, watched on Viki app

Synopsis from MyDramaList
A modern businessman travels back to ancient times; he lands in the body of a man about to be married as a matrilocal husband into a family of cloth merchants. He then begins incorporating modern methods and ideals to help his friends and battle corrupt local businesses. Ultimately he becomes involved in the affairs of the country.


I honestly would have missed this little gem dismissing it as another historical drama if not for a review from one of the drama blogs I follow. 

Oh My God, this was awesome! Especially if you a having a bit of a hangover after finishing Mr.Queen as this has a similar feel to it. And the synopsis doesn't do its justice.

The first episode is a writer who is getting a call from his editor telling him that the thriller he is writing about a rich businessman is not in demand anymore and he should write a romantic comedy. The writer says okay but vows to take his main character with him and put him in the new novel. 

Snap! The businessman who is about to die in the previous book wakes up in a body of a young man in historical China, who is about to be married as a matrilocal husband ( kind of a submissive husband who would take on his wife's name) into a rich cloth merchant family. A. He knows he is a character in a novel B. he retains all his knowledge and memories.

What we get is this youngster with a smug, sly smirk and know-all attitude who just wows everyone who constantly underestimates him! The bride, who falls head over heels for his competence, a slew of friends he acquires, because he helps them sort out their lives, and a bunch of enemies whom he constantly thwarts while building his business empire. Heck, he even writes racy romance novels in his spare time!

This was such a riot to watch! From making parking space and franchises for his wife and his many business ventures to meddling into country politics, because he just can', Ning Yi is pure delight!

The plot is tight and doesn't allow the spectator to drift, and every episode counts. No wonder, this drama topped the charts and became a mega-hit in China. It's a comedy, romance, action, historical fantasy. Ning Yi's sidekicks, his smart wife, his reluctant allies make for an exhilarating watch of this drama. Much recommended!

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Вот, если бы я не наткнулась на рецензию этой дорамы в одном из блогов, что я читаю, то так бы и пропустила мимо эту абсолютную прелесть!

Не обращайтесь внимание на синопсис, тут не то, чтобы путешествие во времени, а автор берущий персонажа из триллера, что он почти закончил и втыкающий его в новую книгу, которую заказывает его агенство, так как триллер никто не хочет покупать, им нужна романтическая комедия! 

Так что, характер богатого иннватора бизнесмена, которого почти что убили в предыдущей книге, вдруг просыпается в новой книге в теле молодого парня, готовящегося к женитьбе в богатую купеческую семью в историческом Китае. Трюк в том, что он знает, что он - персонаж в книге и помнит свою предыдущую жизнь.

Что получается, это хитрющий всезнайка с глуповатым лицом и самодовольной ухмылкой, который ну всех просто разит наповал начиная с умницы жены, которая в его ум безумно влюбляется и заканчивая очередью врагов, которых он беспощадно использует в своих целях. Ну такой он комедийный хитрюга, что не восхищаться им нельзя. И в то же время он собирает друзей в любой ситуации и помогает им добиться своих целей несмотря ни на что.

Сюжет очень плотный и пропускать эпизоды нельзя. Тут и роман и комедия и экшн и политические интриги и много об особенностях человеческой натуры. Я не удивлена, что сериал стал мегахитом  в Китае и продержался на первом месте до самого конца сезона. Рекомендую, особенно фанатам Мистера Королевы.


  1. I might've asked this before, but where do you watch these? This sounds like something I could like. Hook a girl up!

    1. Here you go! Most of Chinese dramas are in HD on YouTube with English subtitles. Korean are on Viki or Netflix app, and there are other apps as well you can look up.


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