The Postman Knock #155

Peeps, I am sorry I missed Wednesday post! I fell down a black hole called Angel. I finally have a chance to watch Angel for the first time and I've been sucked in. So good!

I love how Boreanaz finally coming into his own. There is a great sense of humor, and Cordelia obviously adds her own puns. Aaah... *sighs*

Anyway, I READ abysmally little in the last 2 weeks:

I wasn't happy with THE BOURBON THIEF, and I'll tell you why on Monday. FIRST TOUCH  pissed me off a little bit, and I bitched about it last Monday. GRIN AND BEARD IT  was gorgeous, and I'll review it on Friday. But, honestly? Buy it now! LUCK, LOVE AND LEMON PIE was just as sweet and lovely as the first book by Amy E. Reichert. I really enjoyed it. THE LONG WAY TO A SMALL, ANGRY PLANET was a fantastic listen! What great book, and a very easy sci-fi for beginners. At last, MAKE ME BURN was a DNF. It just wasn't grabbing my attention and I had to put it aside.




Well, this is it for me. And how was your week, peeps?
Over and out.

Also, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was so much fun!!! Anyone watched it?

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