The Postman Knock #144
Hey, gals and chaps!
So sorry I've been mostly silent on the blog. This Tuesday we finally finished our olive harvest with 1098kg of olives. Oh My God, I am drained! We managed to get 100 litres of olive oil though, even after giving some away to friends who helped us.
As a result I've been struggling to post on schedule as you might have noticed. My concentration is shot, so all I do in my free time is baking and watching The Big Bang Theory with the hubby.
Huge apologies to you all! I'll make an effort to be more present online and review on time. Especially this close to Christmas. There will be Christmas With feature this year, and so far all the stories my author guests sent are adorable. I can't wait for you all to read them.
Here is what I READ since last time we talked:
NINJA AT FIRST SIGHT is so freaking adorable, I can't even...THE HERO OF AGES on the other hand was a disappointment to me. I felt like this book made all the enormous effort its character made a moot point, and it pissed me off. THE COINCIDENCE OF COCONUT CAKE turned out to be another lovely, funny and comforting read. Thoroughly recommended! I didn't enjoy GRAY BISHOP, and now two books into this series I know it's not for me. The way the plot is split into multiple love stories, and the way the whole book is a series of gruesome attacks with very inadequate defense didn't sit well with me, and I don't think I'll continue. It was way too depressing to read.GLAMOUR IN GLASS was amazing and heartbreaking, and I also loved WITHOUT A SUMMER. I finished BREAK (part of FORBIDDEN trilogy) deep into last night and really enjoyed it. Fantastic book!
Thanks to Amazon gift card I finally can finish Mary Robinette Kowal's series and look! My first Christmas read, thanks to Audible daily deal :)
This is it for me, peeps!
Have a wonderful day, over and out.