Urban Fantasy Review: The Grendel Affair by Lisa Shearin

The Grendel Affair by Lisa Shearin (SPI Files #1)


Synopsis from Goodreads
We’re Supernatural Protection & Investigations, known as SPI. Things that go bump in the night, the monsters you thought didn’t exist? We battle them and keep you safe. But some supernatural baddies are just too big to contain, even for us…

When I moved to New York to become a world famous journalist, I never imagined that snagging a job at a seedy tabloid would change my career path from trashy reporter to undercover agent. I’m Makenna Fraser, a Seer for SPI. I can see through any disguise, shield, or spell that a paranormal pest can come up with. I track down creatures and my partner, Ian Byrne, takes them out—usually saving my skin in the process.

Our cases are generally pretty routine, but a sickle-wielding serial killer has been prowling the city’s subway tunnels. And the murderer’s not human. The fiend in question, a descendant of Grendel—yes, that Grendel—shares his ancestor’s hatred of parties, revelry, and drunkards. And with New Year’s Eve in Times Square only two days away, we need to bag him quickly. Because if we don’t find him—and the organization behind him—by midnight, our secret’s out and everyone’s time is up.

Amazon  US/UK | Amazon kindle US | TBD


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I admit I was expecting something with a bit more oomph after an explosive novella I read in Night Shift anthology, but still - it was a damn good urban fantasy!

Makenna is a very likable protagonist  - a bit clueless, a bit naive, but with a steady upbringing and very good instincts in pretty bad situations.While she is an inexperienced operative and ends up being scared shitless most of the time she faces monsters, she has a snarky inner monologue running at all times, which provides constant entertainment, and her gruff and buff partner is adorable.

The storyline is good, the secondary characters engaging, and I would definitely recommend this series for the fans of Jess Haines, Ilona Andrews, Kim Harrison and Jaimie Quaid - the authors who don't take their heroines too seriously. I was charmed, entertained and a little bit on the edge of my seat especially at the end as it was quite dramatic
 “The road that went around and between the buildings hadn’t been plowed, but Yasha didn’t let that slow him down.
He grinned at me in the rearview mirror. “No problem. Is like Siberia.”
“You’ve never been to Siberia,” Ian said, his eyes still scanning for any movement other than our own.
“True. But does not mean is not like Siberia.”

Recommended. Watch out for handsome vikings with homicidal smiles and big swords. And no, that wasn't a euphemism! 

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 Признаюсь, я была немного разочарована этой книгой после шикарной повести в сборнике Ночной Дозор! Однако,авторский стиль Лизы Ширин настолько очарователен, что долго ей противостоять невозможно.

Маккена Фрэйзер - главная героиня книги, оракл, новичок в секретной службе, работающей с монстрами. Она немного наивна, очень оптимистична, свежа и притягивает к себе неприятности как магнит. И хоть сталкиваться с монстрами ей страшно, однако благодаря своему детству в причудливом маленьком городке на лей-линиях и своим инстинктам, она постоянно выкручивается из очень неприятных ситуаций.

Прибавьте к этому постоянный внутренний монолог, полный юмора, забавных второстепенных персонажей, среди которых русский оборотень Яша и мрачный экс-коп и партнёр Маккены, Иан, и скучать читателю совершенно некогда.

Если вам нравятся Джесс Хэйнз, Ким Харрисон и Илона Эндрюс, думаю, придётся по душе и эта серия!

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