Contemporary Romance Review: Unraveled by Jen Frederick

Unraveled by Jen Frederick (Woodlands #3)

Ecopy thanks to the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
Twenty-five-year-old Sgt. Gray Phillips is at a crossroads in his life: stay in the Marine Corps or get out and learn to be a civilian? He’s got forty-five days of leave to make up his mind but the people in his life aren’t making the decision any easier. His dad wants him to get out; his grandfather wants him to stay in. And his growing feelings for Sam Anderson are wreaking havoc with his heart…and his mind. He believes relationships get ruined when a Marine goes on deployment. So now he’s got an even harder decision to make: take a chance on Sam or leave love behind and give his all to the Marines.

Twenty-two year old Samantha Anderson lost her husband to an IED in Afghanistan just two months after their vows. Two years later, Sam is full of regrets—that she didn’t move with her husband to Alaska; that she allowed her friends to drift away; that she hasn’t taken many chances in life. Now, she’s met Gray and taking a risk on this Marine could be her one opportunity to feel alive and in love again. But how can she risk her heart on another military man who could share the same tragic fate as her husband?

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I suspect that I'll be in minority here when I say that this particular book didn't work for me.

Jen Frederick has my full support and admiration for her Undeclared and Unspoken, but Gray was too callous and judgemental for my liking, a very difficult romantic hero to like.

He was explosive, simplistic and at times shallow and impulsively stupid, and while I don't doubt his integrity as a character, I did not enjoy his relationship with Sam who was inexperienced, gentle and loving, and who didn't deserve his yo-yo attitude. The guy had shit to work through and he definitely wasn't ready for commitment in the small amount of time he knew Sam.

However, having said all that, the ending (particularly, the unfortunate afghan) was very cute and lovely, and redeemed this book a little bit in my eyes. The period of separation did a world of good to both characters. Recommended but with reservations. Not my favourite in the series, which is excellent otherwise.

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Не смотря на то, что я большой фанат первых двух книг Джен Фредерик, эта книга мне не понравилась из-за главного героя.

Грэй - типичный грубиян-вояка, импульсивный, легко лезущий в драку, совершающий глупые решения и быстро осуждающий людей за их поступки, не зная всех обстоятельств.

У него не очень хорошее мнение о всех женщинах, и на том, как он относится к Саманте, это очень отражается. В целом, он очень трудный романтический герой, который не каждому понравится.

Саманта, с другой стороны, милая очаровашка-вязальщица, и очень добрый, верный друг. Того дерьма, что она получает от Грэя она совершенно  не заслуживает.

Единственное, что улучшило эту книгу в моих глазах, это милейшая концовка и хороший период разлуки вдали друг от друга, что наконец-то заставило Грэя осознать насколько от любит Сэм. Рекомендую, но с большими колебаниями.


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