Review: After The Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn

After The Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn


Synopsis from Goodreads
Can an accountant defeat a supervillain? Celia West, only daughter of the heroic leaders of the superpowered Olympiad, has spent the past few years estranged from her parents and their high-powered lifestyle. She’s had enough of masks and heroics, and wants only to live her own quiet life out from under the shadow of West Plaza and her rich and famous parents.

Then she is called into her boss’ office and told that as the city’s top forensic accountant, Celia is the best chance the prosecution has to catch notorious supervillain the Destructor for tax fraud. In the course of the trial, Celia’s troubled past comes to light and family secrets are revealed as the rift between Celia and her parents grows deeper. Cut off from friends and family, Celia must come to terms with the fact that she might just be Commerce City’s only hope.

This all-new and moving story of love, family, and sacrifice is an homage to Golden Age comics that no fan will want to miss.

 Amazon  US/UK | Amazon kindle US | The Book Depository US/UK


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It's no secret that the past few books by Carrie Vaughn I read I was disappointed with, but this glorious novel restored my faith in her writing talent.

Seriously, this book was absolutely fantastic. Think of Hancock and The Watchmen. It's surreal, full of life and very grounded. This is not a story about a cloaked and masked super men and women, this is Celia's story.

Celia, who has no talent and had to grow up in the shadow of her famous parents. Celia, whose achievements were never  enough for her imposing father. Celia, who has to live with every villain in the city kidnapping her again and again to prove themselves against her parents.
She is bone tired of constant questions and starry eyes of her parents fans, she just wants a normal uncomplicated life, but when Celia is asked to help to nail down a famous villain with her forensic accounting skills, not only her lifestyle is on the verge of crumbling for in her rebellious past she worked for that same super villain, she just might uncover the strange source of her parents power as well.

I loved, loved Celia! She is just a normal, snarky, young woman, and you really feel for her from the beginning to the end of the novel. All the supporting characters, the team of supermen, her policeman boyfriend, her friends and co-workers are fully fleshed out and alive.

That girl also has some hidden depths which will take you by surprise! Overall, highly recommended to anyone.

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Замечательная книга, что на фоне изживающей себя серии про вервульфа Китти, меня очень удивила.

Самое интересное в этой книге, - она не типична для городского фэнтэзи и довольно философская. Главная героиня, Силия, не обладает никакими необычными способностями в отличие от её суперменских родителей, и от этого книга вышла реалистичной и жизненной.

Бедная Силия всего лишь хочет жить нормальной жизнью, но никак не может избежать тени славы её мамы и папы. Все злодеи города её постоянно похищают, чтобы доказать себя в противостоянии её родителям, фанаты суперменов постоянно интересуются каково это жить в такой семье. Ответ: очень хреново.

С раннего детства, чего бы Силия не достигла, её отцу этого было мало. Первый раз её похитили в 16 лет. В свои мутные подростковые годы она вообще подалась работать к супервиллану Разрушителю  врагу своих родителей из-за недостатка внимания и любви с их стороны...

Теперь молодая женщина - один из наиболее талантливых бухгалтеров-криминалистов города, и её просят помочь подготовить платформу для обвинения Разрушителя, того самого врага её родителей.

В процессе работы над документами не только полу-нормальная жизнь Силии рушится, когда пресса узнаёт о её прошлом, но она докапывается до возможного источника силы своих родителей и раскрывает грандиозный план очередного супервиллана...

Я рекомендую это замечательную книгу всем и предупреждаю, что Силия и окружающие её второстепенные персонажи вас ещё удивят!


  1. This sounds awesome I haven't read anything by Carrie Vaughn but I love the sounds of this. Especially Celia. I love snarky characters haha. :)

  2. Ah ha! Another book I own and hope to read soon! So glad it was awesome as I enjoy the Kitty series on the whole. :)

  3. Giselle and Mel, what's good about this book is that it's so refreshing when you need a break from usual UF styles.


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