Dystopian YA Novel Review: War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi

War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi (War Girls #1)

bought on Audible

Synopsis from Goodreads
The year is 2172. Climate change and nuclear disasters have rendered much of earth unlivable. Only the lucky ones have escaped to space colonies in the sky.

In a war-torn Nigeria, battles are fought using flying, deadly mechs and soldiers are outfitted with bionic limbs and artificial organs meant to protect them from the harsh, radiation-heavy climate. Across the nation, as the years-long civil war wages on, survival becomes the only way of life.

Two sisters, Onyii and Ify, dream of more. Their lives have been marked by violence and political unrest. Still, they dream of peace, of hope, of a future together.

And they're willing to fight an entire war to get there.


I had really mixed feelings about this book, folks. On one hand, this is an intricate, innovative, immersive read. It's dark and gritty, sad and frustrating.

On another hand, this is based on reality. These are the conflicts that happened and are still happening on the African continent, and that was a bitter truth running through this hard to swallow narrative. 

I felt for both Onyii and Ify and their sisterhood of survivors. They were forced apart, fighting for the opposite sides, fed many lies, and pitted against each other by people and circumstances. And yet, the hopeful heartwarming message of the story is that love prevails, no matter what.

This was confusing for me on audio, I had no clear picture of timelines or the world-building in general, but the heroines' voices were compelling and strong. I don't think I will be reading more of this author as I don't quite click with the writing style, but it was a vivid book and it left an impression.

* * *
У меня смешанные чувства были об этой книге, ребята. С одной стороны, это была инновативная, футуристичная, захватывающая история. Тёмная, жёсткая, печальная и давящая на психику. С другой стороны, книга эта основана на гражданской войне в Нигерии в 70х гг. и на том, что до сих пор происходит  на африканском континенте, и эту пилюлю мне было тяжело проглотить.

Я переживала за обоих сестёр по выживанию, Уни и Ифи. Их противопоставляли друг другу враждебные стороны, манипуляцией и ненавистью, ложью и воспоминаниями. Однако, любовь победила несмотря ни на что.

Слушать на аудио эту книгу было довольно тяжело, я терялась во временных линиях и голосах, а также у меня осталось только смутное впечатление от построения мира, однако голоса сестёр были сильные и яркие. Я не думаю, что читать серию эту буду дальше, так как авторский стиль мне не подошёл, однако книга оставила на мне свой след. Заставила задуматься.


  1. I am unsure if this would be a great one for me

  2. Sometimes, I have a hard time listening to a book if it's from a certain genre - Sci Fi and Fantasy mostly. So try to read the actual book because I feel like I wouldn't be able to fully absorb the story.

    This is a very interesting read, and definitely close to factual.

    1. It was very interesting, and it brought to my attention the events of which I haven't known about previously.

  3. Oh it's the first time I hear about this one

  4. I didn't really click with his writing either, but I thought the premise was good especially exploring child soldiers in a more realistic way. I am not sure if I'll read more of his work, but I do think I have one of his novella's on my TBR.

    1. Yes, I couldn't put my finger on what didn't gel with me, but I respected the topic.


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