The Postman Knock #150

Hey there!
Long time no see, right?
Sorry about that. I've been in re-reading and re-watching mood, and I still am. I am re-reading long winded urban fantasy series by Kylie Chan set in Hong Kong. And I also just finished 3rd season of Buffy. You know I've never watched Angel beyond the first couple of episodes, so when I'm done with Buffy, I'll do that :)
So it's all quiet here. How about you? Anything exciting?

READ/LISTENED TO in the last month:

Plus I'm on my 4th re-read, but overall it's a slow month. THE PAINTED MAN and THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY were delightful, and some of the other reads I've already reviewed. The rest were okay.


I'm listening to it now, and it's okay, but it's almost entirely a repeat of Pride and Prejudice. I wish there was more magic! *grins* Thank you, Audible Studios!



I'm sure I forgot to mention some other books, but it's been a month, and I am trying to buy less and actually go through the titles I've had on my kindle for years. Wish me luck!


Guys, if any of you still follow me through GFC, please re-subscribe through Feedly/ Feedcat/Email/Twitter/Facebook, etc. The options are available on the blog side roll (on the right).
GFC is being discontinued and you'll lose any of the future updates when Google finally closes the shop. Everyone who uses blogger already noted that the followers count is steadily dropping, so I presume, one day we all just lose the connection to everyone who is still following us this way. Which would be a damn shame.

Well, this is it. I'm just going to leave you with some Buffy and go to bed. Tchau!

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