Contemporary Romance Review: Scenes from The City by Penny Reid

Scenes from The City by Penny Reid (Knitting in The City #5.5)

Egalley courtesy of the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
aka... the Festivus Surprise
100% of proceeds go to Toys for Tots.
This book cannot be read as a standalone. It is a collection of short scenes following the ladies from the 'Knitting in the City' series and will only be available in eBook format from December 1 - December 15, 2014.
'Neanderthal Seeks Honeymoon' - Janie and Quinn
'Friends Definitely With Benefits' - Elizabeth and Nico
'Hacking the Hacker' - Sandra and Alex
'Beauty and the Beard' - Ashley and Drew
'Ninja at First Sight' - Fiona and Greg

Amazon kindle US/UK 


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Yum! What a lovely, tasty snack from my personal goddess of contemporary romantic comedy!  Buy it! This is definitely money worth spending for your general sense of well being, peeps.

Neanderthal Seeks Honeymoon will make you shake with laughter at Janie's antics. Those damned frogs! Friends Definitely Without Benifits will force you swallow back tears. Poor Elizabeth...  Hacking The Hacker will not give a fig about what you'd think of it, and also have you been tasered lately? *smothers laughter*  Beauty and The Beard will make you sigh, it will be so wonderfully poetic, hot and sweet.

But the piece de resistance is the last story.

While the first four stories will make a half of Scenes from The City, Ninja at First Sight will make its other 50% introducing us to Fiona and Greg - the characters of the next full novel in the series. And oh my god, they will be absolutely delicious!

I still have shivers running down my spine.

We are given 18 year old Fiona, a university student, and a 23 year old Greg, enigmatic, extremely clever ex-Marine with a perverse sense of humor. They are force of nature, and I can not wait to read more about their love story. It's going to be epic.

So, buy it. It's worth it. Totally recommended.

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Обожаю Пенни Рид! Даже её малюсенькие историю содержат в себе море романтизма и индивидуальности. Сцены Города -  4 малюсеньких рассказа о Дженни и Куинне, Элизабет и Нико, Сандре и Алексе и Эшли и Дрю.

Если первые 4 истории - это половина Сцен Города, то Нинзя с Первого Взгляда это их другая половина, знакомящая нас с Фионой и Грегом - главными героями следующего романа Пенни.

Какие же они милашки, дамы и господа! Я просто визжала от восторга. Здесь Фионе всего лишь 18 лет, а Грегу 23, и встречаются они в университете, где Фиона долго не замечает бывшего морского берета с язвительным чувством юмора, а он всё теряется как же заставить её его заметить. Теперь я с огромным нетерпением жду продолжения их романа, так как их книга, мне чувствуется, будет эпичной! Очень рекомендую.

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