Friday Mini Reviews #26: Susan Illene, Tiffany Reisz & Heather Brewer

Playing with Darkness by Susan Illene (The Sensor #3.5)

Ecopy thanks to the author

Synopsis from Goodreads

There’s no avoiding it. Melena must keep her promise to return the fae device that opens the portal to Purgatory. Except there’s one problem—Kerbasi. How can she go when she has one of heaven’s minions practically attached to her hip? One who will strike fear in the hearts of the fae the moment they realize who he is.

When her shape-shifter cat suddenly gets sick, she can’t delay the trip any longer. Only the fae can help get Sable healthy again. And if Kerbasi tries to cause any trouble while they are there, she’ll just have to find creative ways to keep him in line.
Amazon kindle US/UK
Cute and fun, this is a lightning fast read, that showcasts the ongoing changes in Melena, and how the balance of power in her relationship with Lucas is at last shifting. Lucas was even *gasp*flirty at times! And I loved the amount of snark in this installment. Kerbasi's involvement was a good call which added a very much needed hilarity to the series overall. Recommended.
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Миленькая малютка-новелла от Сюзан Иллен, которая добавляет шуточный тон к в общем-то мрачноватой серии городского фэнтези. Мы не только начинаем видеть перемены физические и моральные в состоянии Мелены, но даже Люкас наконец-то немного расслабляется и даже немного флиртует! Кербаси так и остаётся хитом, и я надеюсь, что он сыграет большую роль в следующей полноценной книге серии. Рекомендую.

 The Last Good Knight by Tiffany Reisz (#1 - 5)


Synopsis from Goodreads

The 8th Circle - Three years before The Siren. When Mistress Nora, newly separated from her lover Søren, encounters a sexy newcomer at the 8th Circle it is lust at first sight. But when their session is cut short by Kingsley Edge, Nora vows to seduce the gorgeous submissive, even if it goes against all of Kingsley's orders.

The Last Good Knight is an Original Sinners novella told in five parts. 
Amazon kindle US/UK
 This was a very interesting short serial about Nora as a Domme way before we met her in The Siren for the first time. Her relationship with Lance was unexpectedly sweet and rang true, and her sass was just as formidable and sparkly as we remember. Also get ready for a judge with a foot fetish *smirks* Worth reading if you are craving more Nora between books, I really enjoyed it!
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Интересный сериальный романчик о Норе 3 года до того, как мы впервые встретили её в Сирене. Он показывает её доминантом и рассказывает об её отношениях с Лансом. История получилась милой и горько-сладкой, и Нора даже в новеллах не потеряла свои дерзкое, острое чувство юмора и проницательность, за которые мы так её любим. Если вы по ней скучаете, очень эти новеллы советую.

Soulbound by Heather Brewer (Legacy of Tril #1)


Synopsis from Goodreads
Tril is a world where Barrons and Healers are Bound to each other: Barrons fight and Healers cure their Barrons' wounds in the ongoing war with the evil Graplar King. Seventeen-year-old Kaya was born a Healer, but she wants to fight. In Tril, and at Shadow Academy, where she is sent to learn to heal, it is against Protocol for Healers to fight. So Kaya must learn in secret. Enter two young men: One charming, rule-following Barron who becomes Bound to Kaya and whose life she must protect at all costs. And one with a mysterious past who seems bent on making Kaya's life as difficult as possible. Kaya asks both to train her, but only one will, and the consequences will change their lives forever.
 Amazon  US/UK | Amazon kindle US/UK | The Book Depository | Fishpond
 So much potential wasted with this YA fantasy, ladies and gents! It's my first contact with Heather Brewer and I am glad this book was gifted, otherwise I'd be pissed off spending all this money on the hardback with so little to show between the pages. Great ideas, reminded me a bit of Leigh Bardugo, intriguing characters, but the execution is haphazard and so full of plot holes that I ended up being mostly annoyed instead of entertained.
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Твою налево, такой хороший потенциал автор просто убила в этом подростковом фэнтези! Интересная концепция, интригующие персонажи, но в сюжете было так много совершенно непростительных дыр, что я по большей части была раздражена вместо того, чтобы получить от этой книги хоть какое-то удовольствие. Не советую.

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