The Postman Knock #47, Last One in a While...

Hello, everyone!
By the time you are reading this I'll be driving on my way to the ferry, which will take us to Spain, and from there we'll drive to Portugal to our new farm.
All in all, I'm a nervous wreck and I'm tired and just want to get there. I'm also worried about our baby cat who is travelling with us, poor sod.
Anyway, the point is, I'll be off grid with very sporadic Internet for some time. I'm hoping that the worst case scenario is until the end of October, but who knows?
I'll keep you all posted and hopefully, we'll be able to celebrate Halloween together...
Keep fingers crossed for me, ladies and gents.
I love you all.

I'm actually reading a lot of books at the moment but finished only one as I'm a scatterbrain right now!


ACROBAT is my first book of Mary Calmes and it's definitely not the last. Really sweet, at times pretty hot, it was pure escapism on my part.


I bought quite a lot :) Most of it was under a pound, and I had these on my wishlist for absolute ages!


Thank you so much, Penny! You are a totally star! :)) It was like Christmas in my house when I got this.


This is it, I'm ending this with a travelling song and hope you are behaving while I'm not watching you, peeps! *wink*


  1. *HUGS* thinking of you and wishing you the best! Take care and good luck.

  2. I'm so curious about Burn with me and I really want to read it! Happy reading!Have a nice trip darling!

  3. OMG. Mary Calmes! Love her books. But you'll find that she follows a certain blue print and it can get old pretty fast to some readers (not to me, obvs).

    I miss you. So. so much. Good luck on your move and looking forward to your pictures. I'm so jealous you're getting out of the rat race. Le sigh.

  4. Nice haul. So sorry to hear that your internet might be on the fritz fir a while. Don't worry. I hope you like everything you got this week.

    Books of Love

  5. I hope you had a safe trip, and that you enjoy your new life in Portugal! Very brave of you to start over somewhere new and strange.

  6. Hey, you are stocking up on books there! :D Hope you have a great week.


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