Review: First Grave on The Right by Darynda Jones

First Grave on The Right by Darynda Jones (Charley Davidson #1)

won from Book Chick City

Synopsis from Goodreads
Private investigator Charlotte Davidson was born with three things: looks; a healthy respect for the male anatomy; and the rather odd job title of grim reaper. Since the age of five, she has been helping the departed solve the mysteries of their deaths so they can cross over. Thus, when three lawyers from the same law firm are murdered, they come to her to find their killer.

In the meantime, Charley's dealing with a being more powerful - and definitely sexier - than any spectre she's ever come across before. With the help of a pain-in-the-ass skip tracer, a dead pubescent gangbanger named Angel, and a lifetime supply of sarcasm, Charley sets out to solve the highest profile case of the year and discovers that dodging bullets isn't nearly as dangerous as falling in love.

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Where to start?! This book was such enormous never ending fun! You can literally quote from every page, Charley is so so good *grinning*

“I may not look like much, but I'm an expert at pretending to be a ninja.”

It took awhile to get into the right mood and start enjoying Charlie's antics, but not only the plot was pretty decent, the twist in the end was absolutely fantastic and I can not wait to continue with the series!

Charley is something else, outrageously funny, defiant, extremely reckless and very stubborn. The girl who doesn't have any special skills except being a grim reaper gets banged up, falls from big heights and suffers sexual and mental harassment almost on daily basis.

 She reminds me of you know who...

Her uncle, the cop with an unholy passion for Hungarian chat rooms, whom she helps to solve the cases, uses her mercilessly the way only family can do. The other PI working with the police, her rival and extremely irritating hotty is suspicious of her and at the same time can't help being attracted to her in a sort of cheesy sleazy way.

“I gotta tell you, Davidson, I’m impressed,” he said. “That took balls.”
“Please,” I said with a snort, “that took ovaries. Of which I have two.”
“Have I mentioned that I’m a licensed gynaecologist? If your ovaries ever need anything…”
So, Charley investigates the murders of three lawyers who got mixed up with a case of missing teens and human trafficking. At the same time she tries to find out the identity of a mysterious ghostly visitor who keeps her pleasantly occupied at nights.

The guy turns out to be a flash from her past with an inexplicable connection to her life and her gift, and while the plot line with the dead lawyers was pretty predictable,  this one is full of surprises and is pretty unique.

As I'm trying to avoid giving you spoilers, I better shut up now. This is an urban fantasy mixed with a paranormal comedy, and mixed extremely well. I would gladly recommend it to anyone, especially those new to UF to ease them into this genre.

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Отличная и очень смешная книга с приличным сюжетом и главной героиней, слова которой с огромным успехом можно продавать в качестве слоганов на футболках. (см. цитаты выше)

Первая Могила Справа - это замечательное сочетание лёгкой паранормальной комедии и городского фэнтэзи. Чарли Дэвидсон работает частным детективом, помогая своему дяде-полицейскому раскалывать дела как орешки, потому что она не только может свободно общаться с призраками на любом языке и узнать от них лично кто их убил, она помогает самим призракам завершить их земные дела и перейти через неё в другое измерение.

Расследуя очередное убийство трёх адвокатов, замешанных в деле о пропавших подростках и человеческом траффике, Чарли параллельно пытаетс узнать имя призрачного незнакомца, ублажающего её во снах каждую ночь.

И хоть развитие сюжета о траффике предугадать достаточно легко, вторая сюжетная линия преподносит сюрприз за сюрпризом и заканчивает книгу на высокой ноте так, что жутко хочется сразу же схватиться за продолжение!

Чарли смешна, упорна, безрассудна и в тоже время гораздо умнее, чем ей дают кредит окружающие её друзтя и коллеги. Нужно время, что влиться в её тон, но как только к нему привыкаешь, Чарли начинает вызывать огромную симпатию и уважение.

Определённо буду читать дальше и вам советую!


  1. I so need to start reading this book - it's staring at me across from my TBR pile. You're not the only blogger who has raved about this series...and I love those quotes! So funny...

  2. I totally agree with you, I really enjoyed this first book. You really need to read the others they're much better! Mainly the third! I can't wait to know yout opinion about them. Great review!

  3. This book has been sitting on my Kobo for months! Your review makes me want to read it even more now. I've heard great things about this whole series. Thanks for the review!

  4. This series is one of my favorite ones. Third book may be my favorite, I'm glad you liked it.


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