Paranormal Fantasy Review: Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness

Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness (All Souls #4)

bought on Audible

Synopsis from Goodreads

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches comes a novel about what it takes to become a vampire.

On the battlefields of the American Revolution, Matthew de Clermont meets Marcus MacNeil, a young surgeon from Massachusetts, during a moment of political awakening when it seems that the world is on the brink of a brighter future. When Matthew offers him a chance at immortality and a new life free from the restraints of his puritanical upbringing, Marcus seizes the opportunity to become a vampire. But his transformation is not an easy one and the ancient traditions and responsibilities of the de Clermont family clash with Marcus's deeply held beliefs in liberty, equality, and brotherhood.

Fast-forward to contemporary Paris, where Phoebe Taylor--the young employee at Sotheby's whom Marcus has fallen for--is about to embark on her own journey to immortality. Though the modernized version of the process at first seems uncomplicated, the couple discovers that the challenges facing a human who wishes to be a vampire are no less formidable than they were in the eighteenth century. The shadows that Marcus believed he'd escaped centuries ago may return to haunt them both--forever.

A passionate love story and a fascinating exploration of the power of tradition and the possibilities not just for change but for revolution, Time's Convert channels the supernatural world-building and slow-burning romance that made the All Souls Trilogy instant bestsellers to illuminate a new and vital moment in history, and a love affair that will bridge centuries.

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Folks, I am grateful I just watched the second season of A Discovery of Witches, so at least I know who Phoebe is. Without it, I would not have remembered her because it's been quite a few years since I read the trilogy. As it is, my first assumption was correct. Marcus is very boring.

That's why I had had not much recollection of him. I actually didn't like them both, him and Phoebe, and would rather listen to Gallowglass any day... 

The book itself is not at fault. The history of it all is fascinating. I especially enjoyed seeing medical science and its development. Things like the first inoculations against smallpox or the yellow fever outbreak in Philadelphia were fascinating to read about. It's amazing how fragile human life was before vaccines, sanitation, and antibiotics. 

Just like when I read Gabaldon, there are historical figures and the impact of their discoveries or simply their presence and ideas on the time period to consider, and both authors drag you down into that era very well.

In the present time, Matthew and Diana were a joy to read about, and their kids were fantastic. Unfortunately, they had very little stage time. And as to Phoebe, she took all the fun out of her transformation to the vampire. I swear this couple was made for each other! Equally boring.

It was not a bad listen on audio, and as I said parts that I liked helped me to continue listening instead of leaving the book unfinished which would have happened with an ebook. Recommended to the fans of Diana Gabaldon. It's an okay book.

* * * 

Ребята, я благодарна тому, что я только недавно посмотрела второй сезон Открытия Ведьм, а то Фиби я ни за что бы не вспомнила. Так много лет прошло с тех пор, что я прочла эту серию, что память моя о ней очень смутная. Однако, я была права в одном. Маркус очень скучный и дать ему книгу - это безумство. Эх, если б это был Галлоугласс!..

Книга сама с роскошным историческим фоном. Он для меня её и спас, помогло ещё то, что книга была на аудио. Я с большим интересом слушала о достижениях медицины в 18-19вв., об иннокуляциях против оспы, о вспышке желтой лихорадки в Филадельфии, о тифе в Новом Орлеане. Как же интересно видеть насколько хрупким было наше существование до вакцинации, дезинфекции и антибиотиков.

Как и Диана Габальдон, Харкнесс талантливо погружает читателя в исторический период и помогает нам встретить хорошо известных фигур, Лафайета, Марата, Томаса Пэйна и многих других.

В настоящем времени нам кратко описывается жизнь Дианы и Мэтью и их трудности с близняшками. Но этого конечно мало. Зато Фиби показывает как изъять всё веселье из превращения в вампира. Вот она хорошо Маркусу подходит. Такие они оба скучные, просто писец!

Короче рекомендую, если читать абсолютно нечего после Габальдон. А так, на троечку.


  1. I have this, but early reviews made me scared since the trilogy is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe some day.

    1. I wish I haven't read it as well. The setting was excellent but the characters were not that exciting...

  2. I have never tried Harkness....not that I remember

    1. A Discovery of Witches trilogy is excellent, and there are 2 seasons of TV series with the same name based on her books, and they are excellent if you don't want to read the books.

  3. I was a bit disappointed in this, and I didn't know if it was just because I'd forgotten who everyone was! I did liek the history but it wasn't my favourite of hers, and could have been shorter.

    1. Same here! At least I was saved by the tv series which gave me a reminder of what was going on.


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