Paranormal Romance Review: Lucifer by D.B. Reynolds
Lucifer by D.b. Reynolds (Vampires in America #11)
Egalley thanks to ImaJinn Books
Synopsis from Goodreads
Montreal, Quebec . . . A charming city on the St. Lawrence River, historic, sophisticated, but beneath it all lies an extensive underground where treacherous vampires are plotting to seize the country.
Lucifer Scuderi is a vampire—handsome and charismatic, a powerful hunter of unusual skill—who arrives in Montreal to take on the most important hunt of his life. Someone has kidnapped the mate of Canada’s ruling vampire lord, and it’s up to Lucifer to find him before his death sets off a crisis that could engulf the entire continent.
Eleanor Morel lost everything—including the love of her life—when she became a vampire. But now, twenty years later, she’s a trusted bodyguard to the Canadian lord, Sophia, and the only person Sophia can count on to lead the search for her endangered mate. But what Eleanor doesn’t know is that the special hunter she’ll be working with is none other than her long-lost love. And he’s demanding answers.
Lucifer’s love for Eleanor burns as hot as his anger towards her for leaving him. But they’ll have to find a way to set history aside and work together if they’re going to unravel the twisted betrayal that threatens not only Sophia and her mate, but the whole continent. Because the European vampires are on the move. And if Canada falls, the rest of North America could follow . . .
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Well, as usual D.B. does not disappoint! Her readers will get one more delicious and adorable American vampire. Lucifer was an absolute darling!The plot is pretty straightforward. Sophia's mate, Colin Murphy, has been kidnapped by her enemies, and Aden lends her his personal Sherlock Holmes, a relatively young vampire with a gift for seeing patterns and a very strong telepathy.
Sophia doesn't want him to work alone in her territory, and sends her own trusted friend and bodyguard, Eleanor, to watch over him and help him in his investigation. However, there is a catch. Eleanor has been a vampire for no more than twenty years, and Lucifer used to be her lover in her human days. She is a love of his life, actually. And when she disappeared, he was inconsolable.
Imagine Lucifer's shock and joy to see Eleanor again! A lot of tension, sexual and emotional ensues until the couple clears the misunderstanding between them and gives into the feelings.
It was really interesting to see D.B. walking away from the usual formula of a human-vampire couple, but dear reader, it was done sweetly and gracefully.
Lucifer might be ruthless in his desire to gain status and territory, but he is not pure brute force, he is quite subtle and reserved, and there is clear self-perception with a healthy dose of irony, especially concerning his feelings towards Elle. From the moment he meets her he knows that she is his first priority and does everything in his power to make her happy, which means that a lot of his plans and methods change.
By the way, holy Molly, these two were pretty hot! The scene in the blood club? YUM. Give them another few years together, and their double seduction would be beyond scorching.
I also loved Sophia's parts of the plot, the way she had to cope with her partner's suffering while fighting European vampires and uncovering traitors in her ranks. She was a strong, wonderful woman!
At last, I also noticed that the descriptions of vampire powers evolved as soon as the author introduced magic into this series. There is no just vague, abstract power use anymore. There are swords of energy, bulletproof shields, and devious mental probes among other ways of visualization. I really liked that development and distinction between different vampire talents. I think it will make the series even more interesting.
Overall, big thumbs up. The ending made me jump in my seat! Lucifer was charismatic, Elle - sweet, Sophia - a force to be reckoned with, the plot - dynamic, and the story arch - exciting. Recommended.
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Ну, как обычно, Д.Б. не разочаровала читателя ещё одним вкусным и очаровательным американским вампиром. Люцифер был просто милашка!Сюжет довольно прямолинеен. Партнёр Софии, Колин Мёрфи, похищен её врагами, Аден предлагает той услуги своего детектива, довольно молодого, но очень талантливого вампира - Люцифера.
София тому не доверяет и посылает ему в партнёры свою подругу и телохранителя, Элеанор.
Представьте шок Люка, когда навязанный партнёр оказывается его единственной и потерянной около 20 лет назад любовью?
Естественно, между парой сразу возникает напряжение, сексуальное и эмоциональное, пока они наконец не разбираются в прошлых ошибках и недоразумениях. А вообще, и Эль и Люк хорошо работают вместе, слаженно.
Он кто-то вроде Шерлока с его умением видеть незаметные логические связи и сильной телепатией, а Элеанор - сильный и быстрый воин. Хотелось бы конечно увидеть Эль побольше в действии, однако расследование диктовало более частое использование талантов Люка.
Очень, кстати, оказалась горячая пара, несмотря на неожиданный для Д.Б. отход от формулы смертный-вампир. А сцена в клубе крови вообще вышла обжигающей.
Ещё понравились главы с Софией, которая не только мучалась вместе с Колином из-за метафизической кровной связи со своим партнёром, но и одновременно боролась с европейскими вампирами, и пыталась разыскать предателя в своих рядах.
Заметила я также, что как только автор признала, что магия существует, её описания талантов вампиров претерпели метаморфозис. Неожиданно вампиры сражаются на мечах энергии, отражают пули невидимыми щитами и тонко зондируют чужие умы. Да и оказывается, у каждого вампира теперь есть свой уникальный талант, о чём в ранних книгах не упоминалось. Мне нравится это направление, хорошо, что построение мира серии расширяется.
В общем, совсем неплохо, с динамичным сюжетом, харизматичными героями и обещающей концовкой. Советую.