Friday Mini-Reviews #88: Kylie Chan, Michelle Sagara & J.D. Robb
Synopsis from Goodreads
Australian bestseller Kylie Chan returns with a new, fast-paced adventure of magic, martial arts, and romance
This trilogy follows the story of John Chen and Emma Donohoe. They have just found out that Emma has Demon blood and they have suffered the miscarriage of their first child. The Sidhe—or Shining folk, who defeated the Western Shen a thousand years ago—are prepared to do battle against the Western Shen to retain their dominance. Emma’s allegiance is torn: to fight for her kind, the Western demons she is descended from, or to stand alongside her beloved Xuan Wu.
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To describe what happens in this book is an enormous task. Pure chaos, lots of battles, magic mixed with genetic experiments, and pure, maniacal evil. I enjoyed it though. I had a long break from this series, and it can tire the most robust mind. This seemed to help.
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Объяснить, что происходит в этой книге - геркулесова задача. Полный хаос, обилие битв, магия перемешанная с генетическими экспериментами, и чистейшее, маниакальное зло. Мне понравилось, во-многом потому, что я сделала большой перерыв в чтении этой серии. Ведь она может изморить и самый крепкий ум. В общем, неплохо.Cast in Fury by Michelle Sagara (Chronicles of Elantra #4)
Synopsis from Goodreads
When a minority race of telepaths is suspected of causing a near-devastating tidal wave, Private Kaylin Neya is summoned to Court—and into a PR nightmare. To ease racial tensions, the emperor has commissioned a play, and the playwright has his own ideas about who should be the focus.…
But Kaylin works her best magic behind the scenes, and though she tries to stay neutral, she is again drawn into a world of politics—and murder. To make matters worse, Marcus, her trusted sergeant, gets stripped of his command, leaving Kaylin vulnerable. Now she's juggling two troubling cases, and even magic's looking good by comparison. But then nobody ever said life in the theater was easy.…
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This book continues to develop the topic of the previous one - Tha'alani. Kaylin and Severn get roped helping a scriptwriter whose task is to make Tha'alani more popular to alleviate tensions in the city of Elantra. At the same time, Kaylin's seargeant, Marcus is imprisoned for murder, and she has to do all in her power to clear his name. In the process we find out about Leontine's origins, and world-building expands a little bit more.
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Четвёртая книга серия продолжает тему предубеждения против расы Та'алани. Кейлин и Северн приставлены к императорскому сценаристу, задача которого упростить и отбелить расу для масс и прекратить столкновения в городе Элантра. В то же время, сержант Кейлин, Маркус, обвинён в убийстве и приговорён к смертной казни, и Кейлин делает всё возможное, чтобы его оправдать. Мне очень понравилось, что построение мира здесь немного расширяется и мы узнаём о происхождении Леонтинов.Treachery in Death by J.D. Robb (In Death #32)
Synopsis from Goodreads
Detective Eve Dallas and her partner, Peabody, are following up on a senseless crime—an elderly grocery owner killed by three stoned punks for nothing more than kicks and snacks. This is Peabody's first case as primary detective—good thing she learned from the master.
But Peabody soon stumbles upon a trickier situation. After a hard workout, she's all alone in the locker room when the gym door clatters open; and-while hiding inside a shower stall trying not to make a sound—she overhears two fellow officers, Garnet and Oberman, arguing. It doesn't take long to realize they're both crooked—guilty not just of corruption but of murder. Now Peabody, Eve, and Eve's husband, Roarke, are trying to get the hard evidence they need to bring the dirty cops down—knowing all the while that the two are willing to kill to keep their secret.
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This was one of my favorites in this series - case of dirty cops, and it also gave a bigger role to Peabody. It was an intense race against time, and I couldn't put the book down. Such a rush to see two very strong women fighting it out. *grins* A great read!
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Это была одна из моих любимых книг серии. Пибоди играет более ведущую роль и оба детектива расследуют грязных копов. Очень напряжённый сюжет, и одно удовольствие видеть сильных женщин, противостоящих друг другу. Рекомендую.