Erotic Romance Review: Ruin by C.D. Reiss

Ruin by C.D. Reiss ( Songs of Corruption #2)

Egalley thanks to the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
Antonio is a killer.
He's beautiful, educated, a prodigy of a thief and as violent a motherfucker as ever came of the boat from Napoli.

Theresa knows it, but that doesn't stop her from getting emotionally and physically entangled with him, and this is how, maybe, she got it in her head that she can protect him.

But it's not her job to save him, and she's just not getting that. Every time she tries to protect him, she practically gets him killed, and the tighter he grips her, the more dangerous she becomes.

It's almost as if...well, he'd never admit this....but it's almost as if protecting her the way he does is the one thing he should stop. As if the only way he's ever going to find a moment's peace is to just embrace her as a partner, rather than a defenseless creature.

But he'd never do that. Not this violent motherfucker.

WARNING: This book contains delicious sex scenes with a hot man dirty-talking in Italian; women handling firearms and explosives; and scenes of violence with a crystal Virgin Mary cigarette lighter.

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This book is explosive, ladies and gents, and I could not for the life of me have expected such a shocking ending! Wow.

Ruin is a fast-paced thriller, and both Theresa and Antonio grow in this book massively. He is a criminal by birth and a set of circumstances. She is a rich, privileged girl who could never quite fit in in her quiet, respectable, impeccable lifestyle. And yet, this is a couple which fits together seamlessly even if the reader keeps asking himself how this whole shebang is going to work?

The secret is I think in Theresa's inner wildness matching Antonio's hidden sweetness and balancing their outward appearances.

In Ruin things are definitely heating up. Antonio's ex-business partner is after his blood, and Paulie also hates Theresa's guts. Throw in a Sicilian - Neapolitan merger among the mafia families with Antonio as a possible groom, spice it up with Theresa's ex, Daniel, going after her capo with a vengeance, and well... It's tense, very tense, and the last few chapters I was on pins and needles, rooting for capo and his contessa to find their happy ending.

Despite CD Reiss magnificent writing at times I was getting tired of this couple violent sexual antics. It seemed like all they were doing was going at it like rabbits, and why oh why she was always dripping wet? Wouldn't that be a tad uncomfortable? *grinning* I suppose is the flaw of the genre itself.

Overall, this is a great series, raw, entertaining, fast-paced, and I remain a steady fan of Miss Reiss and everything she writes. Hugely recommended.

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Хорошо конечно сюжет в книге построен, видно что, мисс Рейс начинала как сценарист, так как сцены у неё выходят компактные, яркие и настолько острые, что читатель балансирует вместе с главными героями постоянно на острие ножа.

Во второй книге серии события ещё более взрывные и полные экшна. Несмотря на то, что читатель недоумевает, что может держать вместе неаполитанского мафиозо, ведущего жизнь, полную насилия по воле обстоятельств и в силу права рождения, и лос-анжелесскую наследницу с безупречной репутацией и склонностью к скучной, респектабельной жизни... Тереза внутренне дикарка и бунтарка, а Антонио тщательно скрывает свою нежную романтичную, благородную сторону. И как раз этот секрет их и балансирует как пару.

Однако ещё больше обстоятельств противостоят их любви. Бывший партнёр по бизнесу капо, Поли, ненавидит Терезу и не вступит с Антонио ни в какие переговоры по разделу территории, если она останется с ним вместе. Сицилийская и неаполитанская мафия смотрят на возможный мерджер (союз) посредством брака, и потенциальный жених - Антонио. И наконец, бывший любовник Терезы, Даниэл продолжает расследование в дела её капо... В общем, куда ни глянь, одна засада.

И всё же, концовка расставляет всё по местам в шокирующей манере, и если частые любовные сцены вызывает лёгкое раздражение, так это проблема самого жанра, а не мисс Рейс. Очень рекомендую и остаюсь верным фанатом СД Рейсс. Хорошо баба пишет!

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