Contemporary Romance Early Review: Grit by Elizabeth Hunter

Grit byElizabeth Hunter (7th and Main #3)

ecopy thanks to the author

Synopsis from Goodreads
He’s been patient; she’s been busy.
Patience is running out.

Melissa Oxford is a widow with a ranch, an orange grove, a goat-obsessed ten-year-old, and not enough time. She doesn’t have time to make friends. She doesn’t have time to stop and chat, and she definitely does not have time for a boyfriend.
Which is fine, because Cary Nakamura is far from being a boy. Cary’s the man who helped Melissa plant her trees. The friend who keeps offering advice, even when she’s is too stubborn to take it.
He’s also the man who kissed Melissa in broad daylight on a sidewalk in Metlin, California, smack in the face of God and everyone.
But while Melissa may spend a little too long dreaming about Cary from a distance, she knows the kind of passion he promises is more than she can handle.
She just doesn’t have the time.
But sometimes, no matter how busy you are, life makes you stop. It pulls you up short and makes you see things a little more clearly. Things like…
The people you can count on.
The dreams you keep pushing away.
And the passion that can’t be denied.
GRIT is a stand-alone, friends-to-lovers romance in the Love Stories on 7th and Main series by Elizabeth Hunter, author of INK.

Release date: Sept 3rd, 2019.

Amazon kindle US/UK


* * *
 Grit is my favourite book in the series, peeps. Perhaps, because it involves farmers, goats and orange groves. Perhaps, it's the characters I can relate to the most.

Cary and Melissa are so down to earth and firmly rooted in what they do and how it defines them, it's a pleasure to watch. Here are people who aren't questioning their identity and who aren't at crossroads. They have chosen their path and they are enjoying the heck out of it.

Their mothers are a delight as well. Warm and wry and fully supportive, but my absolute favourite is Melissa's daughter. The goat queen, the little entrepreneur, the extremely bright girl, who knows and understands much more at her age, than her mom would ever wish for her.

Melissa definitely starts the book having a big chip on her shoulder, and I can totally understand why. Her ex-in-laws are constantly criticising her choices in life and the way she brings up her daughter. Her farm is still paying off its debt. For a woman who lost so much in one short year, that yearning for security interspersed with the desire to show that she can succeed on her own are encompassing anything else she might want. And she's been wanting Cary for a while now.

Cary has been in love with Melissa for years, and he is getting so frustrated with her fighting herself, that he finally takes control instead of giving her time to wiggle out of dating him. It's fun and it's adorable, and it allows Melissa to relax. She is learning that leaning on someone, delegating things is not a sign of weakness, that she can't keep working herself to the bone. She needs to have fun too.

These two are delightful together: lots of banter, lots of chemistry here; and the story arc keeps things interesting too.

Overall, this is another warm, fuzzy and delicious read from Elizabeth Hunter, which I thoroughly recommend. Read it!


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 Grit - моя любимая книга этой серии. Может потому, что она о фермерах, козах и апельсиновых рощах. Может потому, что я понимаю главных героев больше всего.

Кэри и Мелисса - люди твердо стоящие на земле, прагматичные, упрямые, знающие чего они хотят и занимающиеся любимым делом. То есть, никаких жизненных перекрестков здесь уже нет. Как личности они уже давно установились.

И какие у них обоих мамы интересные, милашки, которые их обоих очень поддерживают! Но главная звезда - это Абби.  Королева коз, маленький интрепренер, очень умная, славная девочка, которая понимает гораздо больше того, что ей объясняет мама.

Мелисса начинает книгу,  взвалив многое на свои плечи. Ей необходимо доказать родителям умершего мужа, что она может добиться успеха и хорошо воспитать свою дочь. Ей необходимо проплатить кредит, что она взяла для фермы. Она потеряла так много за такое короткое время, что ей естественно хочется добиться успеха, чтобы чувствовать себя в безопасности. Какие-то фривольные желания у нее отложены на потом в далеком будущем. В том числе, Кэри.

Кэри знает Мелиссу с детства, он был другом ее мужа, но после его смерти дружба с Мелиссой понемногу переросла в любовь к ней. Он замучился ждать, когда же она наконец решится ответить на его чувства и перешел в активную атаку.

На их разговоры и динамику очень приятно смотреть. Искры между ними так и сыпятся, да и главная сюжетная линия держит интерес читателя до последнего.

Вообще, книга - очаровашка, теплая, яркая и позитивная. Как всегда, рекомендую этого автора.



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